Monday, November 28, 2005


Wow, what a wild ride!

The car got me to the writein without any problems. I had enough moneu to go, which was good, and I found $10 in the pocket of my dragon camos. I had put them on in plans to wear them, until I realized there was no way I could keep them up. Just before I took them off I reached in the pocket and pulled out $10 I did not know I had. That means I got to eat and got smokes!

Ethel, the car, decided she was pissed for having to sit in a parking lot all day while I had fun and decided to drive my blood pressure up for the whole drive home. Then, there is the no radio thing - I love you Jay - and all the clanking. To top it off I got Diesel on my hand when I put $5 in before getting on the highway, so that is all I could smell the whole way home.

I know it is illegal to drive with headphones on. But you can drive with a cell phone plug in one ear. So I plugged one ear phone in and listened to music down and back. That is while I listened to the clanking and rattling. Then there was the huge wobble that shook the car so bad I had to keep my CD player in my lap so it was not one constant skip.

So, yesterday was the Ogre's b-day. I knew he would be cranky, so it was good that I was out all day. But, on top of that his meds are all screwy. So he is trying really hard not to eat everybody's faces off. It is not going too well. We got the VA on the phone today and *loudly* explained the problem. His new (old) meds should be here in a couple days. Then maybe life will get back to normal. Or whatever normal is around here.

On a possitive note ***I finished my nanowrimo 50K word requirement*** I wrote almost 20K in less than 4 days. It was very cool. Even though I am validated and done (well, not done the story), I still have 2 1/2 days left. I know I have to work tonight, which will take some steam out of me, but I am almost thinking I will see if I can get to 60K by midnight on the 30th. My first year I did 67K, last year was barely over 50K. I don't think I could beat 2003, but I can sure as heck try. Now it is just for bragging rights. Hey, Edmund should not be the only one around allowed to brag.

So, another good thing. Most of the writein group wants to continue working on Sundays. Not every Sunday, but maybe 2 a month. Still going to Panera and still writing as much as we can. We like the companionship and the push we get from writing with others. We all have fun and get a lot of work done. And we want to do social things too. So, I am setting up a Yahoo group for us.

Maybe I should go set up that Yahoo group now!

Later days and sorry about the ramble, just needed to vent,

Monday, October 31, 2005


I had such a great day yesterday. I met some wonderful people who seem real cool - unlike a lot of the backstabbers I've (and my housemates) had to deal with.

One's a gamer looking for a group. Another belongs to the SCA and seems like a real decent person who won't talk behind our backs and treat us like crap because we don't agree with every move they make. (I'm not saying everyone we deal with in the SCA sucks, completely the opposite. Most everyone is great, but there are a few who go way out of our way to make our lives unpleasant - to the point of almost ruining our entire vacation. If it was the majority then we wouldn't belong to the SCA. It's just certain people who just wandered in recently and try to act like htey've belonged their whole lives and drive others out because of bad attitudes and possibly jealousy.)

Then there's the clown we met. Well, she's not a clown these days, but she twists balloons and is way off the wall. It's so much fun to hang out with creative people.

Now for the disillusionment part. I heard something today about how someone has been treating her child and I almost blew my stack. It's one thing to not be supportive, it's another to be down right degrading to your own daughter. I was blown away when I heard the stories. I know I'm not in the mommy business anymore, but I couldn't immagine doing something like that to the girls - or anyone for that matter.

Well, I started this post yesterday, but had to stop because I had my writing job last night. When I was done with work it was midnight, so nano time! I wish I had the money to order Taboo Tuesday tonight. I'd love to do a PPV and TT was one of my favorites last year. Then after that I needed to get a little nano writing done.

I love doing nano, but it's also fun to have an actual writing job that puts my work out there on a weekly basis. Every little thing that adds to my writing resume is great. I was really nervous when I applied for the job, but I've gotten so much good feeback from readers that I'm more confident now. What really sealed it for me was the night I wanted to go out because it was the last night the club was holding Goth night. I hadn't been in quite a while, but I've been going since it was at Zootz, so I felt like something I should do. Also, it's where Matt and I went to see each other before we moved in together. Anyway, I told my boss I had an obligation that Monday night and would not be able to get my article in by midnight. I'd be willing to write it when I got home, but it wouldn't be in until 5AM. He told me that I was so reliable, he loved my work and had gotten so many possitive comments on my work that if I wanted the night off completely I could have it. I told him I'd rather do my work even if it was in a little later than usual. I was extremely thrilled he was so happy with my work. I'm always nervous about things like that. I've always been in high management or designing. Only because of one of my English Professor in college who told me I needed to be writing. He liked my design work, but was in love with my writing. It only took me ten years to really follow his advice.

Guess I'm done my rambling. I need to go to the bank, cash my check and pick up a few things a Wal-Mart for nano. Yay post Halloween candy!

Later days,

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Life Is Bloody Good!

I thought I had lost this little tid bit from last year's nano.

I looked through all my files - it's not there.
I looked through all my printed work - not there either.
I didn't even think of looking through my blog, but I did today - there it was!

I was bummed and started writing it again, but something about it felt funny. I couldn't get the feel of the original. It was the first time I'd used a writing promt and it felt liberating. The words just flowed as if they were asking to be written.

So I copy and pasted the scene here because a few people wanted to see it and I think it's fun. Please remember this is very rough. I have done nothing to it since first writing it other than spell check. Also, this is a scene from a novel, so it's a bit out of context, but you will bet the point.

Rancid Yak Butter

“Lucy, did you know that spreading rancid yak butter on your belly will keep you from getting stretch marks?” Evie looked so proud that she was able to help me with one of my pregnancy problems. Rancid yak butter, was she serious?

“Um, Evie, um, I’m not sure about this idea.” I wasn’t sure if she was serious about what she was saying, or if she was joking with me.

“Yes, yes, it will work. My mother did it through each of her pregnancies. She had seven children and four miscarriages. I know it works.” She ran to the refrigerator and returned with a glass jar in her hand. Inside was this strange glutinous substance that shook and jiggled when she placed it in front of me. It was the color of that cholesterol stuff hairdressers use on overly damaged hair.

I just sat there and looked at the jar for a moment before I swung my eyes back up to look at her. “Where did you get this?” I had to ask her.

“Off the internet. Where else was I going to get rancid yak butter in this country?” Her voice held an undertone of laughter as she spoke. Was this a joke?

“You’re kidding about this, right? That’s not rancid yak butter is it? You, Thora, Jordan and Devin are playing a joke on me right?” There was no way she was serious about this. I reached out and took the jar in my hands. Just picking it up made the contents shake and shimmy. But when I looked up her eyes were deadly serious.

“Of course I’m serious. Where I grew up we had to have this stuff shipped in by boat and then mule. It started out fresh and became rancid on the journey. It cost so much money that she wouldn’t have used it if it didn’t work.” Evie took the jar from me and opened it. I was fine until the smell hit me. I’d been nauseous through most of my pregnancy and figured the smell of rancid yak butter would send me over the edge for the day. But for some reason it smelled good to me. So good I wanted to eat it.

“So what am I supposed to do with it?” I kind of hoped I’d get to eat the stuff. What was wrong with me?

“You rub it one your belly. Why? What do you think you’d have to do with it?” She sounded and looked befuddled.

“Never mind, just give me the stuff,” I mumbled.


After nano is over I really need to get back to work on my '03 nano story. When I get it finished and whipped into shape I will submit it.

Where? Who knows, but that's research I need to do. I got a lot of great tips from Baty's book. *plug plug* I wish I'd bought it when it first came out. If I had then maybe I would probably be finished with Hawthorne and half way through edits. It would also probably help if I had a had a wonderful writers group like I had for over a year. *hint hint*

Maybe once we get into the new house I'll feel more inspired. I'll have my own space to work (both sewing and writing). Well, mostly my own place - I'm going to make sure Jay has space to set up his easle and what he needs. That way he has a place to work other than his bedroom and he can keep everything set up al the time. Also, I can brow beat him into actually getting some work done if I'm right there - And he can do the same for me.

So, even though I have 50K to write in November I need to actually keep the momentum this year and dive head first back into Hawthorne.

'No Plot? No Problem!' is the best writing book I've ever read. It really has a lot of good ideas that work for me. I normally can't read a book like that straight through. Normally I'd read some during the day and then read fiction at night before going to sleep. This past week I've read Baty's book before bed and didn't miss my fiction. I think that's very cool.

This wasn't intended to be a whole blog promoting this book, but it has really changed the way I think about writing and editing. I actually feel like I can finish Hawthorne and get it rewritten so I can try to get it published.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Attack of November!

Well, not quite yet, but soon. I am more ready than I was last year, but I'm still nervous.

The last two years I knew my characters inside and out. I knew the setting and plot through and through. I had that story floating in my head for years.

This year the plot and most of the characters were thought up by someone else. We've had a number of brainstorming sesions so I do feel like I had a hand in the creation, but it's still strange to me. I've done a lot of work the past few days really getting to know the main character, but she didn't originate in my head, so it's taking a bit for her to settle in.

Also, I hope I haven't over mapped the chapters. I have a brief outline for each, but that's more than I usually do. There are about 5 or 6 of the 25 chapters that I have no idea what will happen with them. So either they will be the easiest to write, or the hardest. Which ever, it will be interesting to see.

The other thing that as me on the edge of my seat about November is, well two things actually.

1- Every year I've done nano something has happened in the middle to try to screw it up somehow. The first year I had to take a week of in the middle when my mom came up for the divorce. Last year my craptop died half way through the month. I lost all the work I'd done and had to start over. There was no way to retrieve the info, even though the Ogre spent two weeks trying for me.
2- The move. The last thing I'd every want is to move in the winter, much less during November. Luckily we won't be in the new house until the first of the year so I have all of December to pack and get rid of everything I can. That way my stuff doesn't get packed and moved for me as it has been my past 7 or 8 moves.

Oh, I forgot, I also have my weekly article to write. All those words every week and I can't use them towards my 50K word count. Such a shame.

I should be working on getting ready and taking care of my Maine nanoers. Need to plan as much interactivites as possible so as many people as possible can meet each other. I've found the bigger support chain you have for nano, the easier it is to reach 50K. I know I wouldn't have made it last year if not for my weekly meetups with Lori and Janelle.

Back to work,

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wow, am I pissed!

I previously spoke about my roommate Jay and his exgirlfriend Sue. More has happened since then, including something Jay just told me that pissed me off so much I had to write.

Matt had been giving her the benefit of the doubt about her not spreading shit at work, even after she verbally assaulted me at Hell-Mart.

Well, while talking to another friend who works at Hell-Mart the whole Jay/Sue thing came up. She was talking about Sue spreading lies at work. So I pointedly asked her if she has ever heard Sue saying these thing - the words comeing directly out of Sue's mouth. My friend then said "heck yea!" She said she walked into the breakroom to hear Sue ranting and raving, almost yelling about Jay and all the terrible things he's done to her.

Matt heard our friend say this! It was all the proof he needed to know that Sue had lied to him and broken her promise to him. To him, that's the worst thing in the world to do. Now he knows the truth and I feel bad for her the next time he runs into her. Especially if she tries to approach him and bitch about what Jay has done or said.

Now, for the thing that set me off and got me writing today. We were watching a show and someone was talking about venting. That got Jay going about something Sue had done when they'd gotten back together after there one brief breakup. When they got back together she read his journal. Now, I'm sorry, that is something you just don't so, no matter what! Not only did she read it, but she ripped out a page that was all of Jay's rantings about Sue. It was all things he needed to get of his chest about her. He did it to make himself feel better. He needed to list all the bad things about her and about heir getting back together. So, she read the whole journal, ripped out this one page and brought it over to show her mother!!! Then, when she got home she spent hours grilling him about this and doing everything in her power to make him feel like shit about pouring out his feelings into his own private journal. WHAT A BITCH!!!!!!

She better hope I don't run in to her before I calm down over this. I can't say I'll be very nice to her. There are very few people on my 'list' but she's put herself on it as of late.

Let's see, who's on my list?
- Skanky Bitch - owes me $4,000, she and her husband are the reason Matt lost his house
- Christine/Will - made my life living hell while liing here, verbally attacked me on a daily basis and raped my kitchen when she moved out
- Roy Gray - abusive exhusband, enough said
- Gretchen - lieing cheating hobag who has screwed over so many people including her soon to be exhusband, her only daughter, daughter's best friend and many other mutual friends. She has fucked so many guys behind her husband's back I lost count, but when someone finally told him, she blamed that person for the demise of her marriage, as if she had nothing to do with it. She's the victim here. On top of that she decided to make our (mine and Matt's) lives living hell at the last SCA event)
- Sue - has made the bottom of my list for all of the things she's done to Jay and the rest of us.
- Matt's ex Julie - she doesn't warrant being any higher on my list, but she still annoys the piss out of me and and will get an earful whenever I run into her. The fact that she has been spewing slander about Matt for so many years because of all the terrible things he's done, but yet she's marrying a guy who looks exactly like him.

Okay, I think I'm done spewing venom for now.

Later days,

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I love having a baby in the house!

It's so nice to have a kid in the house. I'd forgotten how interesting it is having a young-un in the house. They are always learning and exploring.

Yea, they get annoying when they don't listen (and D is good at that). He has quite the case of selective hearing. He does what he wants and responds when he wants - to anyone.

I have been doing a lot of writing work for Jay. He's working on a new comic book idea and needed writers. Matt isn't good at coming up with the original idea, but he's great at pulling it all together. So we have all been brainstorming and I've been working on backstory. I've also been working on the outline for the first story. Once I get the outline done I'm going to put together the whole first story. I'm working art on it and getting a lot done.

I can't wait until I have the story worked out enough for Matt to get his hands on it. After that Jay will start drawing. I can't wait to see it start to come together.

I just wanted to get that out and write a quick post. I want to get better about posting more often. If I do that, then my posts will be shorter and not so rambling. It's when I store it up and don't journal that I get hyped up and have to write for three hours to feel better.

Though I do have to hit on something from my last post. I'm not sure if I wrote about it then, I think I did, but it's still bothering me, so I'm bringing it up again. It is really wigging me out that the man Matt's ex proposed to looks so much like Matt. I know people have "types" when it comes to their sexual preference, but she has such a hard on against Matt - why would she want to marry a guy who looks just like him. Heck, why would she even start dating him if she hates Matt so much and this guy looks so much like him? It just makes me wonder if the reason she's with him is because he looks so much like Matt. If she bitched so much about Matt because she's not over him. It was Matt who dumped her ass and threw her out of the house she wanted so much. He bent over backward to give her everything he could when she left, right down to a car and 6 months to find a place to go, even though she was stealing money from the entire household. She was taking all the money people gave her to pay bills and was using it for herself. Then she blamed eeryone else when the bills weren't paid. If Matt was the horrible person she claims then why is everyone else involved in the house are still close to Matt and think she's a total bitch and flake? It really makes me wonder how unstable she truly is.

Later days,

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Annoyance Level Goes UP!

After I wrote the title to this post I popped in to check another person's blog - Eeee-gods - the world is more up-side-down than I thought, but I'll get back to what I read THERE at the end.

So, Ellie was moving in w/ Jon and going to CMCC. She had big troubles with Financial Aid with Champlain College, so she decided to go to CMCC locally for the first year or two and live with her boyfriend. She's done so much growing up in the past year - I'm so proud of her. She's an amazing young woman. She still has a long way to go and a lot to learn, but she's doing quite well.

But, her moving out means we need a new roomie. Well, we were thinking about cleaning the house and putting an ad in the local paper or online. Well, Matt and I were in bed and the phone rang. The older roommie answered and told me to pick up. It was Jay's girlfriend (ex as of an hour before the call). {Jay is a good friend of ours. He used to live with us in the house Matt's exbitch demanded they buy. I love Jay and would do anything for him.} Well, his ex called saying they'd broken up for good. We spoke to her for a bit to find out what was going on and calm her down. After I spoke to her, Matt spoke to her. Then Matt got up, got dressed, made some phone calls (to try to find Jay), then went out looking for him. He was gone most of the day and when he came back Jay was with him and was here to stay - we had our new/old roommie. I'm so glad, I love living with Jay. We still have to clean the house top to bottom because Jay has a 2 year old son, D., who spends three days a week w/ Jay.

So, now to the annoying part. Jay's ex, I'll call her Sue, has been an absolute bitch since they boke up. They both work at Hell-Mart, 3rd shift stocking shelves. So we bring Jay to work at 9:30pm and pick him up at 8:00am. He spent the first three days moving all his stuff over here. Sue said she wanted to see D. as much as possible, but when Jay called to see if she wanted to see him, she said no. All of a sudden she decided if she couldn't be a primary caretaker, then she didn't want to see the child. D. begged to see her most of the three days he was here. Now, I'm not saying Jay didn't do some stupid shit in the end of their relationship, but he never screwed arround on Sue. I know that for a fact. Jay can't keep his mouth shut around Matt and I about his life - we know what's going on. Besides, if he'd slept w/ the girl he was accused of sleeping with, he'd have been bragging to us (just the way he is with us). He and the girl in question are good friends, nothing more.

So, in moving Jay over here Matt, Jay and Sue made an agreement that neither of them would say anything about the break up at work. If people asked they would just say things didn't work out and that's it. It's none of anyone's fuckin' business, besides, work is not the place to talk about these things. Jay took the night of the break up off, Sue didn't. When Jay went back to work everyone (including the female friend - I'll call her Tana, who was in tears) were talking about the reason Jay and Sue broke up is because Jay was sleeping with Tana. When asked about it by Matt Sue said she didn't say anything at work. I didn't believe her, Matt gave her the benefit of the doubt. Matt wanted to talk to other employees to find out the truth. Jay, when he did go to work didn't say anything to anyone, and when she approached him he asked if it was about work. If it wasn't he said to talk to him outside of work about it. This was all at Matt's urging, and I think a very good idea.

Why I'm totally annoyed is because I just drove Jay to work and was verbally attacked in the store by Sue. I saw her a couple of times and hid from her because I didn't want to get into it with her. Well, she finally cornered me in Crafts. She verbally berated me for not agreeing with her about how she felt about the "way Jay was treating her at work", and "the relationship between Jay and Tana" and "how she hopes Jay gets a transfer to another Hell-Mart because she can't work with him and Tana" (though she knows Jay isn't leaving because he can't get the schedule he needs at the other store). Besides, then she'll be working in the store with just Tana and she'll make her life living hell 'till she quits. I told her there was no relationship, other than a friendship and Jay was treating her the way he should be at work - If she wanted to talk to people about what's going on, then do it outside of work. Her voice escalated more and more and was arguing with me, at work. I tried to keep it quiet and told her how I felt and this wasn't the place to do this.

I then went and talked to a manager. Well, the manager was in the middle of dealing with an ambulance and a person having an anxiety attack. So I came home and spoke to Matt about Sue's verbal attack and how I'd tried to avoid her a bunch of times before she cornered me. Then how I spoke to the manager. Matt got dressed, spoke to the police about the situation, then went to Hell-Mart and spoke to the same manager I did, plus others higher up. Turns out the higher ups were planning on having a discussion with Sue anyway because there have been so many employee complaints about her running her mouth. But now that a customer has complained it looks really bad. I don't want her to loose her job. I just want her to grow up and shut her mouth. Because of all this she's making our lives living hell. Both through Jay and because she's broken a promise to Matt and lied to both Matt and I. I don't put up with shit like this from anyone, much less from a young girl who likes to play games.

Now that I got that off my chest, there are two other things I need to vent about.

1 - I checked Matt's ex's blog, as we both do to keep an eye on things. She's bashed Matt for so many years in such a nasty way that we keep tabs on what she's up to. Considering she has moved into the town we live in (unbeknownst to her) and is forming a Pagan commune (similar to the one Matt and I are forming) in a quite horrible way. She's really porking up the whole commune thing in a big way. Anyway, she posted that she proposed to her BF (on the side of the highway). Later in the blog was a comment about what the guy's OTHER girlfriend said about him saying yes to the proposal. If she's still refered to as the other girlfriend, I guess that means she's still in the picture. I knew she was into polygamy (heck, from what I've heard everyone at the 'commune' is fucking everyone else) but something about how she said it makes my skin crawl. Also, I saw a pic of this guy she proposed to - he looks disturbingly like Matt, the man she's been bitching about for so many years. Even though I don't know her personally, she creeps me out.

2 - So, after Matt got back from dealing with the Sue thing at Hell-Mart he went into the bedroom, then quickly called me in. We moved the young female rats into a new cage and the young boys into the large tank the girls were in. Well, the girls are able to squeeze out through the bars, and had been dancing on the roof of their cage. Well, their mom and aunts did the same thing before we wrapped their cage, we weren't worried about them because they were not socialize well as babies. Well, the young girls are well socialized and climb out whenever I'm in the room. Well, the reason Matt yelled for me is because he found Junior (one of the young girls) dancing on the roof of the boy's tank. Time to change the living arrangements. The 4 boys were put on the bed for a few minutes as we moved the 8 girls back into the big tank. The boys then went into the cage. The boys are twice as big as the girls, so they can't fit through the bars.

What I don't understand is how Junior got over there. We did find Crackhead on the floor earlier - I think she fell off the cage (which is on top of a dresser). But how did Junior get across the room and up on top of the boy's tank, on top of another dresser. Very confusing, but I guess nothing is beyond a horny rat!

Now that I got all that out, I'm going to bed.

Night all,

Friday, July 22, 2005


My belly hurts a little today.

When I woke up this morning both my hip (right) and my Belly (right side where I normally have my Crohn's problems) both hurt terribly. Now that I'm up and moving my ankles are hurting.

I figured I did a lot of walking and got a lot of exercize while at War and should keep up with it now that I've built up some stamina (not much, but a little). So, yesterday while Matt and Seth were in Augusta working on Seth's truck I looked up belly dancing steps. I streched out, warmed up and practiced some steps. I pulled my belly muscles while dancing, but boy it felt good to get some exercise. Matt was happy and I'm sure T.J. (my doc) will be too. Now I just have to keep up with it.

I plan on stretching today, just to loosen up. Then tomorrow, my b-day, I plan to stretch, warm up and dance some more. I want to get a DVD or video on belly dancing so I can learn the proper steps. By next War I want to wow people, and have a more toned body. I never had as much energy or was as tomed as when I went dancing every night. Even though I drank a lot more back then, I was healthier due to the exercise I was getting.

Well, I have stuff I need to do, so I will sign out for now.


I'm A Bitch! And I Love it!

The obnoxious ex of Matt's that I'd spoken about has a blog. Well, I keep an eye on it to see how she's bashing Matt. Well, she was bitching about not getting a promotion at her seasonal job. From what she said she's been working seasonally at L.L. Beans for 13 years. She couldn't understand why she didn't get the promotion.Someone had mentioned in her comments that she'd had been late a bunch of times due to car troubles and preganancy about ten years ago. She figured that would have nothing to do with it because it was so long ago.

I posted a comment (that had to be approved by her before it went up - gee, big surprise that it wasn't posted). My comment said that I knew for a fact she'd had problems at work much more recently that ten years ago. I also mentioned that she might not have gotten the job due to possibly pissing people off (other than customers), as I had heard it was something she was quite good at. I'm sure she wasn't impressed with my comments and is wondering who posted them. I used a name she has no clue about - a name I've never used before.

It was fun being a total bitch to someone who has gone out of her way to destroy the lives of my boyfriend and many other of our friends. What goes around comes around (I'll prolly now be struck by lightening - karma).


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Post War Fallout

Well, the War is over. All worked out well.

The bounty on Matt's head turned out to be nothing but a bottle of (bad) wine on his head for the first person to "kill" him on the battlefield. No one collected, so he got the bottle of wine. But it was quite a mess getting to that point. At first it was a real threat - then nothing big - then a real threat again - then the truth came out and he got the bottle of wine.

It was poeple we know and care about who put out the bounty - people I actually trust with my life. So all is well.

Most people at War were great - a few were assholes. Cece was a total bitch to Matt and won't like to hear what I have to say when I see her next.

When Matt and Jon got there to set up (Ellie and I stayed home to finish sewing and packing) there were problems. The place we usually set up was empty and the people we camp with were else where (the people who put out the bounty). They had to casmp by the royals to cook for them. But there wasn't space for us. Though there was space for others who showed up after us. I was pissed. So we set up where we normally do - got one of the best spots in the campground (shade in the hot afternoons). We decided we should name our encampment "The Ghetto". Turns out the reason we couldn't be over with the others is that someone who belongs with the royals has a daughter who was scared by Matt when she was a child (he's a big, loud, hairy man) and didn't want him near her. She 18 now! Hello, get over it! You were 8 when he scared you!

Anyway, we set up, had a great time, met new people (Vance, Merrik and Gwen, also the Canadians from Wisconsin {I still don't know the story behind that one}) who camped next to us, and partied hard.

I got to see The Bob (who got an important award) and met his good friend Batty. Seth showed up early and is officially part of "The Ghetto". Seth is still here - he came home with us. He and Matt are making sure his truck doesn't self destruct while he's on the road going to SCA events. He's going to show me some jewelry making stuff tonight - I love to learn new techniques. I also got my amber pendant he's been holding for the past year for me.

One of the best parts of War is that Matt's ex didn't show up. I'm so happy I'm almost wanting to go to her blog and thank her for not showing - but I know that could cause problems, so I'm trying to hold back.

One of the worst parts is that Ellie got a horrible sunburn. Her forehead and lower arms were swolen. I think she had a case of sun poisoning. I had very mild sun poisoning on the tops of my feet myslf from the trip. I've had sun poisoning before - so I know how it looks and feels.

I got a great tan from being out there in the sun all weekend (almost a week). My mohawk looks so much better now that I'm not ghostly. That and my blue eyes pop more with the tan. My upper body is quite tan, but my legs are not so much. Need to work on them.

Now, for the funniest part of the trip. Da left us a watermellon when he left on Sunday. I got bored and drew a face on it. On the top I wrote "Rodrigo, Ghetto Prince". Well, on Monday, after everything was packed - absolutely EVERYTHING was off the ground - the stuff that would be sitting in passengers laps were piled on the hoods of the cars - everything was done. We pulled out Rodrigo, The Ghetto Prince and put him in the middle of us circled. I took Seth's claymore, Matt made a speech about Rodrigo, we cheered him - then I beheaded him! One slice down the center, then we turned him a 1/4 turn and nailed him again. Jon then turned him over and we nailed him twice more. We each took a huge chunk of watermellon and dove in. I shoved my face into it and ate like a heathen. When I couldn't get any deeper I pulled chunks out with my fist. We were all acting like heathens - then someone yelled "watermellon fight!" It was all over - the five of us pulling out handfulls of watermellon and throwing them at each other. I was wearing a bra and a bikini bottom - I had watermellon everywhere. Jon decided watermellon rinds made good hats - so he put one on my head and ground it down, Matt put watermellon down my bikini bottom. Finally when we were done we threw the rinds in the woods for the critters and trooped off to the pool laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Luckily we were the only Scadians (SCA members) there (other than people way on the other side who couldn't see us). Though there were some seasonals who prolly saw us with the watermellon - but there was no one in the pool. There was an employee who was just finishing cleaning it though. Ellie was in jeans and a t-shirt - she stripped and jumped in naked. We were laughing sooooo hard. The pool was too cold for me and would have given me abdominal spasms - so I went to the shower. There were seeds in my bra, watermellon in my bikini bottom (thought I'd gotten it all out). I took the barettes out of my hair - there were chunks and seeds. when I thought I was done I found a huge chunk behind my left ear.

The watermellon fight was so much fun that we decided we had started a new tradition and are going to name a new "Ghetto Prince" to exicute and cannibalize each year. I need to email the others and tell them what they missed.

When we got home all the critters missed us. All the baby rats had grown a lot The boys are almost as big as mom, and it's harder to tell mom from the girls just glancing in the tank) and the cats have been all over us. Kapok has been screaming his head off and Spike has been bugging Matt whenever he goes on his computer and has been bugging me all night. He can't seem to get enough of us.

Other than that all seems to be well. Saturday I turn 32, and this is not a big year for me. For some reason the number 32 doesn't bother me at all. Then Mom comes up to Maine the following Friday with her new beau. I can't wait to meet the man who's stolen my mother's heart. As far as I've heard he's been very good to her, but I need to see this for myself. He better be good to her or he will have to deal with me. I have my Westbrook Doc appointment that day, so Ellie, Jon, Matt and I will prolly meet up with Mom and Russ after that in Portland. Should be interesting.

Guess that's all for now, othe rthan the hopes that it gets a little cooler here. Not much, jsut ten degrees cooler would be nice.

Later days,

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Now, this is not about what is going on in any foreign parts of the world. What I'm refering to is the Great Northeastern War - and SCA event.

We - family and friends - attend this event every year and spend time with people we don't get to see any other time due to different lifestyles and long distances.

Normally it's great fun and lots of drinking. Though this year it might not be.

It has come to our attention that someone has put a bounty on my boyfriend's head at this even. At first we thought it was going to be on the battlefield - as they dress up in armor and hit each other with sticks. Then it came to our attention that Matt wasn't the only one with a bounty on his head. It turns out that a friend of ours who doesn't battle also has a bounty on his head. This person doesn't fight because he has such a bad back that one wrong shot would put him in a wheelchair for life. Heck, even on the battlefield someone can be beaten to death. There are marshals on the field, but they can't watch everything at once.

So we have to be on attert at all times during this event, but we are not going to let them drive us out! We are going no matter what! The police have already been notified that there could be a big problem there.

After we found out about this we put together a list of prime suspects as to who would be willing to put up $250 for each bounty, and hates these two people so much. After much research we found out that most of our enemies are all in one place. It looks as though they've gotten together and plan on taking us out. They have all the three important things - means (there's a bunch of them to pool their money), motive (they hate us for a variety of reasons - warranted or not), and opportunity (War is a big place with a lot of people - it would be easy to jump someone and beat them badly in the dark of night).

Basically the bounty is a case of mead (honey wine), which is as good as cash at these events. So two cases of mead is about $500. I personally think it's sad that people are willing to pay this much money to have two people beaten up. I don't think they've thought this through clearly. There are so many people at War who will jump in when they see someone being attacked. Especially if that person is a girl. See, I have no problem jumping in if people are being attacked. I might be sickly and will be in the hospital if hit in specific spots due to health problems, but I'm bringing a long pole/fake battle axe that I'm not afraid to use. And if I'm injured there's a lot of money behind me for a legal battle - a heack of a lot more than all our enemies put together. Having multi-millionaire backers has it's benefits!

So, as to how we found out about this. Matt got a note from a friend who knows he's paranoid and wouldn't freak him out if it wasn't warranted. Seems as though this wormy guy we know, and thought was a decent sort was running his mouth that he was planning on collecting the bounty. Now, I think this is funny as hell as there is no way in hell this person could injure a person three times his size - on or off the battlefield. I'm not saying a small guy can't beat a big guy - I'm saying THIS small guy can't beat THIS big guy. A good big guy will beat a good small guy any day. The thing is this small guy isn't good - he has a big ego and is a wanna-be goth pagan. But he is a pussy under all his talk. There are others who might be able to do it, but we have a few aces up our sleeves - I won't write about them now in case someone who knows about all this is reading this. I'll just let them wait to find out the hard way (maniacal laughter).

Now, as to who we think has put out the hit on us (I say us because I'm taking this personally. If there's a hit out on Matt, then it's on me too in my mind). His ex is back in the area and is trying (poorly) to build a commune in our hometown. She has brainwashed all sorts of people into thinking Matt is evil. I think this is hysterical as the people who lived with them both during the time he was supposedly soooooooo horrible to her are still friends with Matt and hate her. That's something that might just make you wonder about the truth. If you would like to read her rantings go to for the most pathetic stuff look at her earliest postings - they are quite funny. Though even funnier is the July 7th of this year's post. Get over yourself - It's been years since you've last seen him - Move on and get a life!!! Added to her commune are others who dislike Matt, myself and the person who has the other bounty on his head. See, the same place Matt's ex lived with him also (later) housed a family of 6. They needed a place to live and Matt needed the rent money to pay the mortgage. The thing is they never paid a penny in the 6-8 monthes they lived there and trashed the house so bad that we had to take a much lower asking price to get out from under it all. There was over $35,000 lost in the sale due to these people. Of course they left on bad terms and blame us. They owe me $4,000 in child care. Once I realized I wasn't getting paid for my services I said I was done taking care of their 4 kids. Then they'd leave and go to work. The kids would be in the house with me - What was I supposed to do? Let the 1 year old starve and stink? Let the 4 and 5 year olds starve and destroy they house even worse? Hell no, so I got stuck taking care of them for much longer, but I kept track of all the hours and tabulated a bill. The 12 year old I helped because I wanted to, she was a good kid - I liked her a lot. Long after they finally left and we were homeless, then found a place to live I ran into her, the "Skanky Bitch" as I call her, at Wal-Mart. She accused me of stealing her Mainecare card and using it at the hospital the week before. I'd been out of the state a week before. She also accused me of stealing her last couple of pay checks from Wal-Mart (from which she was fired from) and cashing them. We have the same bank. So I went to talk to the bank and they had a good laugh and said they wouldn't let me cash her checks and vise-versa. The only way I could have gotten these thing would have been through the mail. See, she never changed her address when she moved out because there were so many people looking for her for money. But, we'd seen he and given her mail well after she lost her job and I gave her the checks. See, she thinks we still live in the old house, which is the only way I could have gotten her card - What she didn't know was the cards had changed from a monthly paper card to a solid plastic card. If she took the time to check this she'd know what shit she was spewing and get her lies straight. But there's a car at the old house that is exactly like my old car - which is why she thinks we still live there, lol. She needs to do her research. Though, that day at Wal-Mart she followed me when I left. I went to get take-out then drove back to the town I live in. She followed me to the town line. The one thing I don't understand is that she has big problems with the cops in this town, but if she's with the commune, then she's in this town. So, I'm not sure what's going on there. As to this pagan commune there are others who belong who also are not our biggest fans - One woman who used to belong to a coven myself, Matt and Smithy (the other person w/ a bounty on his head) belonged to. Her long time boyfiend dumped her due to her looseness and she got vengefull against everyone in the coven who didn't bend over backwards to help her and kiss her ass.

So our family and closest friends know to be on the lookout for trouble. I don't think there will be any problems, but we do have a number of aces up our sleeves. Also, if they are determined enough and we don't go to War, then they will probably try to hurt us another way that could be much more dangerous and deadly - cutting brakelines, pipebombs, burning down our house, etc. We want to trace it to it's source and put these people in jail. We WILL find out who put this bounty on our heads, and we WILL make them pay - legally.

So, if you are reading this, and are the ones doing this - STOP, and STOP NOW. If you don't stop you will go to jail. Criminal threatening, conspiracy, battery, hitman for hire (no matter how bad the injuries), possible attemped murder, and this list can go on and on. And if you think the doer won't roll on you, you've got to be crazy - no one would risk jail time over a case of mead, no one.

So, that's my week. I'd love to hear any ideas anyone has on what to do about this sittuation.

Love always,

PS - Janelle cut of all her hair so I have to change my "best hair" to Lea. But Janelle got a beautiful baby girl for her troubles - I don't blame her for cutting her hair with an infant in the house.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Lying Again!

These are some of the "past lives" stories she has told myself and others

- Leigonair, twice.

- The spaceship that populated the earth. Her man was the Captain of the ship and she was his wife. Landed in India - couldn't remember what happened to the technology.
- Civil war - georgia - generals wife.

- She was alive just before she was born, and died suddenly. She was supposed to go into the body of a beautiful tall redheaded woman. But, for some reason she ended up in the body she's in to learn something about her soul.

Said she was a man for 42 years.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Lier!!!

The person I wrote about in my last post is now blaming us for all of the household problems. We are the ones who are making her life terrible and are being so mean to her. As if she doesn't treat us like shit everyday she's alive.

I also want to mention that Matt told me the pin on her hat is a South West Asia Campaigne Ribbon.

So, if anyone has any info about how to prove this or are willing to help, please let me know.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Lying, Cheating, Good For Nothing Fake!

I know it's been a while since I posted, but I have been dealing with a large problem in my house. About 225lbs to be exact.

I know I have probably written about my obnoxious roommate, but now thing have gone too far. Her lying has gotten to the point that I can't handle it any more. She has been stealing mail (the kid's college acceptance package), lying to the landlady that I haven't been paying my rent (which I have, even to the point of giving her part of my rent earlier than usual) and threatening our newest roommie (telling him that if he plugs his guitar into his amp she will tear gas him). She also flooded the kitchen by pulling the drain hose to the washer out of the sink and then blaming the kid. Then yesterday some of my meds were stolen, she was the only one with the means, motive and opportunity. She has also stopped doing any housework, yet promising to help. When asked about it later she gets snotty saying she promised no such thing in front of people who heard her promise in the first place. On top of not doing housework she waited until Matt fixed the nice Kirby Vac, then stole it saying she's the one who got it - bullshit! I claimed it, Matt drove and got it, carried it to the car, to the basement, fixed it, brought it to the second floor - now suddenly it's hers - cunt!

I'm done - finished! I talked to some people who know about all of her lies and have research her past to find out the truth. These are people who put up with her shit for over 10 years. I thought they were terrible for throwing her out - until I learned the truth that is. Now I think they're saints for putting up with her shit for so many years.

So, here's the poop, allthe poop and nothing but the poop! The person I've been talking about goes by the name Miriam. Thatr is her famale name. The thing is she was born a man. Now, I have no problem with Transexuals in any way shape of form. What I have problems with are people who change their names and possible their sex to hide their past. There is no question that she's a man. No one I have ever met has thought she was a woman, other than the truly nieve. She takes hormones, but has not done anything about getting the change done. She got rid of the berries, but the twig is still there. If she's the woman she claims to be, then why not try to actually pass as a woman. (I hope not to offend anybody - as I said I have no problems with transexuals - I just have a problem with Miriam. It's just like in college I called my brother a flaming asshole - it had nothing to do with him being gay {or anyone elses sexual orientation}, it just had to with my great dislike for my brother. Though the teacher who overheard me gave me a shitty grade because he's gay and thought I had a problem with gays. Hey, I wouldn't actually classify myself as strait. I'm not actually bisexual. I guess bi-curious would be the right word. I just want to make sure no one is offended as I only have a problem with this one person.)

She wears this black hat with a Purple Heart pin, a Vietnam pin, an USAF Colonel Insignia pin (though she says she was a Captain - 3 ranks below what her pins says), and a Navy pin. She tells everyone she meets socialy, proffesionally, even at the grocery story that she was a USAF Captain and won her Purple Heart in Vietnam when she was in a fox hole that was hit by a mortar round. She was medivaced out for her leg injury and her best friend went out in a body bag. (I'll tell you her story - then I'll tell you what I've learned to be true) She says she joined the Air Force after her father committed suicide. He did this because her mother and sister moved away and left the two of them. She then found her father hanging in the garage. She had no other place to go so she joined the Air Force.

After bootcamp she was aproached about becoming a spook. So she went by many other names and did a lot of spying in Vietnam. She tells all these wild stories about what she did while being a spy. After the war she got married and had six daughters. One of which died at 14 months of age. She also belonged to the Mormon Church and ran waste management plants for 27 years. After her wife left her she moved back to Maine and went to college for business. She tells most people she has a Doctorate in business. Other she tells she has a Masters and is one class short of her Doctorate. Now she's "disabled" and can't pay back her college loans or work. She also can't climb stairs very well or carry anything as heavy as a gallon of milk. She also can't use any Veteran services because when she got out of the Air Force she made sure all her records disappeared - otherwise she wouldn't have been a very good spy. Also, some place in there - after she became a woman - she was in the Navy and served on a number of different ships - whichever sound most important at the time. I think I've heard almost ten different ones listed. Yet, she still has no way to use any veteran serices.

Now this is what I have been able to figure out from mine and other people's research. I personally don't think anyone who talks that much about being a spy, and what they did and learned as a spy, could have been a spy in any way. They just don't make spies out of people who can't keep their mouths shut. That and almost all of the spies in Vietnam were VIA agents. those that weren't were Marines. There were very few USAF spies in Vietnam.

Her story also keeps changing. She says she got wounded in Vietnam, got her Purple Heart and was released from The Air Force. Then she says she was still a spy when she was married and lived in Florida. She says she had different names and worked gas station and other low level jobs to make herself look legitimate. So, those two stories clash dramatically. Also, her daughters are my age, which means if she was still a spy when she got married then she had to have been in the Air Force then - but then there's no way she she could have worked sewage treatment plants for 27 years - unless she is 115 years old. (Sorry that was a ramble - in other words those stories don't jive.) Basically she said she was in the USAF for about 20 years after going in at 16-17 years old. So she would have been 37 when she got out. Add 27 years running sewage treatment plants, bringing her to 64. Then another 10 plus years in the Navy, so 74. Then we have the 5+ years she worked at the college before she started classes, so 81. Then we have the 10+ years she was in college, so 91. Plus, she's been out of college for a few years, so lets bring that to 95. I'm not even counting the other careers she's claimed to have. So I'm not joking when I said she'd have to be 115 to have done everything she said she did, when she did it.

She said she lived in Utah with her wife and daughters, also Florida. She said they left her when they were in Florida, but then talks about where she lived with her family in Maine before they left her. But then she says she was excommunicated from the Mormon Church when she got divorced while living in Utah when her wife and family left. When so many stories are proven to be bunk, then others come into question.

I have researched the Mormon Church for her, her exwife and her daughters, and her daughter's death. No sign of her ever being involved with them under any name she's given me.

She went to college at the University of Southern Maine. She said she worked for facilities management for more than 5 years. The thing is, one of my exboyfriends has worked for facilities management for over 10 years during the time she supposedly worked there. He's never heard of her - as a male or a female, and it's not a very big department at that college. It was during that time that she went through her change she says. But she has also said she was fired from the sewage plant job because her boobs got bigger than her boss'. But she never filed a descrimination suit. I find that interesting because she's so sue crazy.

Then she started classes at USM. She did get a MBA as far as I know. Her old roommies have never said that wasn't true, and that's something they'd have called her on. But she never even got into the doctorate program there. She says it's because the director of the dept. doesn't like women. That's total BS because there are more women in that dept than men! She tells people she either has her doctorate or she's one class short. I think she didn't pass the test to make it into the program personally.

I was sometime around or before going to college that she was supposed to be in the Navy. She said she was in as a woman, but that doesn't jive for when she changed over - for either story she told.

So she got out of college and suddenly claims she's disabled and unable to work. She had no trouble working while in college, but now her leg that was injured in Vietnam (the injury she got the Purple Heart for) and the pacemaker she got put in while in college is just too dabilitating for her to be able to work. And so she's trying to get out of a half million dollars in college loans. When it looked like she wouldn't be able to get out of paying them because she's disabled, she decided to file for bankruptcy, again. It is at least the third time she's filed. Probably more like 5 or 6 times. It makes me sick to see someone use these systems when they don't need them. She just abusing the systems. I doubt she ever planned to pay back these loans.

Now, for the most damning information. She says that she can't use veteran benefits because her files have been made to disappear. And that if anyone tried to look for her Air Force files they wouldn't know what name to look under. The thing is she would have joined the Air Force under her birth name. We do know that she was actually in the military, at least as a male, but there is no way the navy would take her as a mid-op transexual. It is just something the military won't do - so she's obviously lying there.

Another person who doesn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth has also been researching her stories. When I last spoke to him he told me that he'd spoken to someone else who was able to pull up Miriam's old Air Force file. Well, from what he said she was in Vietnam, and was hit by a mortar round. The thing is she was not supposed to be in Vietnam. In fact it looks as though she jumped a plane she wasn't supposed to be on to get there. While there she got hit by a mortar round. Due to the fact that she was supposed to be state side, she got a dishonorable discharge due to the stunt she pulled going to Vietnam.

I also heard that if someone gets a dishonorable discharge you can't own guns. Well, she has a consealed carry permit. I'd love to see her get nailed for that too.

Well, I guess that's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any ideas on how to help me nail her, please let me know.

Talk at ya later,

It only took me 5 1/2 hours to get my thoughts in order, go to Wal-Mart and write this. Not bad!
Maybe next time I'll write about the cow who is trying to take Matt down. Or at least post a link to her blog so ya'll can have a good laugh.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I'm Pathetic, Haven't Blogged In Over A Month!

I can't believe I've been soooo lazy with my blog!

Let's see, what's been happeneing?

My roommies are about to kill each other. Ellie can't stand our older roommie and the older roommie confronted her about it. It's been getting uglier and uglier. Right down to the older roommie with-holding Ellie's college mail and confronting her to demand to know why Ellie finds her annoying. It was quite nasty. I'm sure it's going to come to a head soon.

I got a hamster of my very own. Her name is Lizzy Borden and she's quite psycho, obviously considering her name. I've learned a lot about hammies after joining a couple of hammie groups online. In fact I got another cage and will be getting another hammie next week. Right now the hammies are too young to come home from the pet store. I plan on being the first one in there when they become available so I can get the pick of the litter - In other words the perfect hammie for me. I've been doing a lot of reading on how to tame young hammies and make them loveable, hand tamed hammies.

Matt decided he wants a rat. So, now I'm keeping my eyes open for people offering rats on Freecycle. His friend Ed has one and he's decided he can't live without one now. Pretty soon we are going to have a menagerie. At the moment we have 2 cats, 2 hammies (Ellie has Bosco) and a goldfish (also Ellie's).

We didn't get to go to Birka as we couldn't get Da's truck to drive to New Hampshire. Well, that and I blew out my knee a couple days before that. I'm still bummed about missing Birka because we missed seeing a bunch of friends we haven't seen since War.

About my knee... I crawled onto the bed and my knee (the worse one) went crunch. I broke two chunks of bone off my left kneecap almost ten years ago. When my doc operated on it her told me I'd have about 5 years before I'd probably need a knee replacement. So, I'm 5 years past THAT mark, guess I shouldn't be too upset about it going. I have an appointment to see the same doc this coming Thursday. I have to remember to shave off my winter leg growth before I go as I will have to wear shorts while I'm there. No way amy I going to let anyone see how hairy my legs are this time of the year! I hape he has good news for me. If not I hope I can get my knee operated on and be recovered befor War. I don't want to have to go to War on cruches again. I did that summer before last with my broken right leg, it sucked royally!

I am supposed to be writing 50K again this month, but have yet to start. I don't know why this is so much harder to get going than nano is. Though I think part of it is because the rest of my writing group isn't doing it. They are the best at keeping me on track. Though, I have a feeling that if I have to have my knee operated on I'll be getting a lot of writing done. I just don't want that huge scar on my leg! I know it sound vain, but I have great legs and don't need any more scars, especially big ones, messing that up.

I've been eating very poorly lately. Need to start watching my food intake more carefully. In other words - making sure I actually eat. And when I do eat - making sure it's not only junk food. It's just that my knee hurts too much to stand in the kitchen and cook. Depressing.

Guess that's all for now. I'll try to be better about my blog. I'd wanted one for so long, and had been soooo good writing in the beginning. Need to keep it up now.

Later days,

Sunday, January 02, 2005

half birthdays and anaphylactic shock and evil hamsters

I know, strange title, but hey, that's me!

I'll start with the shock one first. - My mother, Marsha, called me two days ago to tell me she almost died from anaphylactic shock. She didn't eat anything strange or get bit by anything that she knows of. She was off on a religious retreat with a bunch of the kids from the youth group she hangs out with. It was her and another adult with the kids. There was also the woman in charge of the dorms they were staying in. She told Dave, the other person from her church, that she felt funny. Her ankles were all blothy and itch. Then it worked it's way up her legs to her whole body. Then she was having _a little_ trouble breathing. It wasn't bad, just harder than it should have been. Dave told her to take two of her Benadryl as he checked on the kids.

He came back to check on her and she wasn't feeling any better, even a little worse. So he drove down to talk to the woman in charge of the place, Martha. Martha was ready for bed until she heard what was going on. Then she changed and drove mom to the hospital. The bad thing was the hospital was 1/2 hour away.

When they got there and the doctor examined mom, he asked what she'd taken for meds. When he found out she took two benadryl he told her it probably saved her life. She might not have made it to the hospital otherwise. By that point her tongue was swelling. The doc gave her a shot and some other meds.

She was back to the dorms in a couple hours feeling fine. The next day she drove the kids back to the west coast of Florida as was planned. She felt fine, as if nothing had happened.

She's still feeling fine and has no idea what caused it. Though she knows to call me next time. Even if there is nothing I can do, even if it's the middle of the night - I don't care, I want to know about it.

Ellie and I were sitting here figuring out our half birthdays and what we should do on them. I was online so I found all sorts of neat things different cultures do for birthdays. It's very interesting. In parts of Canada they ambush the birthday kid and grease his/her nose for good luck. In Italy they pull on the birthday kid's earlobe the same amount of times as the kid's age plus one for good luck - the way we do spankings. It was very cool. I think it was Equador that a 15 year old girl gets a big party and her father puts her first pair of high hells on her and waltzes with her while 14 boys and 14 girls look on. There were a lot of cool ones, but those stuck out at me as ones I'd never heard before.

My half birthday is January 23, Ellie's is May 6. We decided we need to do something fun on those days.

Now, evil hamsters. I picked up a hamster on Friday that I found on Freecycle. I'd been planning on calling her Honey Glazed due to a funny Easter card I got from my mom a couple years ago. That is until we got her home. She beat the crap out of Ellie's hamster Bosco and pulled a chunk of Kapok's fur out when he was leaning too close to her cage. Well, Ellie was trying to think of a famous femal criminal to name her after as the original name just didn't fit any more.

So we decided on Lizzy Borden. She gave Bosco forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave Kapok another one. The evil little thing seems to love her new name. She actually responds to it when you call out to her. When she's awake that is.

We all love her even though she's an evil, psycho hamster.

Guess that's all for now. I really should be writing, but I really don't see it happening tonight. So I guess I'm just gonna surf the net 'till bed.

Later days,

PS - Does anyone know where the whole "Later days" ending comes from?