Monday, October 31, 2005


I had such a great day yesterday. I met some wonderful people who seem real cool - unlike a lot of the backstabbers I've (and my housemates) had to deal with.

One's a gamer looking for a group. Another belongs to the SCA and seems like a real decent person who won't talk behind our backs and treat us like crap because we don't agree with every move they make. (I'm not saying everyone we deal with in the SCA sucks, completely the opposite. Most everyone is great, but there are a few who go way out of our way to make our lives unpleasant - to the point of almost ruining our entire vacation. If it was the majority then we wouldn't belong to the SCA. It's just certain people who just wandered in recently and try to act like htey've belonged their whole lives and drive others out because of bad attitudes and possibly jealousy.)

Then there's the clown we met. Well, she's not a clown these days, but she twists balloons and is way off the wall. It's so much fun to hang out with creative people.

Now for the disillusionment part. I heard something today about how someone has been treating her child and I almost blew my stack. It's one thing to not be supportive, it's another to be down right degrading to your own daughter. I was blown away when I heard the stories. I know I'm not in the mommy business anymore, but I couldn't immagine doing something like that to the girls - or anyone for that matter.

Well, I started this post yesterday, but had to stop because I had my writing job last night. When I was done with work it was midnight, so nano time! I wish I had the money to order Taboo Tuesday tonight. I'd love to do a PPV and TT was one of my favorites last year. Then after that I needed to get a little nano writing done.

I love doing nano, but it's also fun to have an actual writing job that puts my work out there on a weekly basis. Every little thing that adds to my writing resume is great. I was really nervous when I applied for the job, but I've gotten so much good feeback from readers that I'm more confident now. What really sealed it for me was the night I wanted to go out because it was the last night the club was holding Goth night. I hadn't been in quite a while, but I've been going since it was at Zootz, so I felt like something I should do. Also, it's where Matt and I went to see each other before we moved in together. Anyway, I told my boss I had an obligation that Monday night and would not be able to get my article in by midnight. I'd be willing to write it when I got home, but it wouldn't be in until 5AM. He told me that I was so reliable, he loved my work and had gotten so many possitive comments on my work that if I wanted the night off completely I could have it. I told him I'd rather do my work even if it was in a little later than usual. I was extremely thrilled he was so happy with my work. I'm always nervous about things like that. I've always been in high management or designing. Only because of one of my English Professor in college who told me I needed to be writing. He liked my design work, but was in love with my writing. It only took me ten years to really follow his advice.

Guess I'm done my rambling. I need to go to the bank, cash my check and pick up a few things a Wal-Mart for nano. Yay post Halloween candy!

Later days,

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