Monday, November 28, 2005


Wow, what a wild ride!

The car got me to the writein without any problems. I had enough moneu to go, which was good, and I found $10 in the pocket of my dragon camos. I had put them on in plans to wear them, until I realized there was no way I could keep them up. Just before I took them off I reached in the pocket and pulled out $10 I did not know I had. That means I got to eat and got smokes!

Ethel, the car, decided she was pissed for having to sit in a parking lot all day while I had fun and decided to drive my blood pressure up for the whole drive home. Then, there is the no radio thing - I love you Jay - and all the clanking. To top it off I got Diesel on my hand when I put $5 in before getting on the highway, so that is all I could smell the whole way home.

I know it is illegal to drive with headphones on. But you can drive with a cell phone plug in one ear. So I plugged one ear phone in and listened to music down and back. That is while I listened to the clanking and rattling. Then there was the huge wobble that shook the car so bad I had to keep my CD player in my lap so it was not one constant skip.

So, yesterday was the Ogre's b-day. I knew he would be cranky, so it was good that I was out all day. But, on top of that his meds are all screwy. So he is trying really hard not to eat everybody's faces off. It is not going too well. We got the VA on the phone today and *loudly* explained the problem. His new (old) meds should be here in a couple days. Then maybe life will get back to normal. Or whatever normal is around here.

On a possitive note ***I finished my nanowrimo 50K word requirement*** I wrote almost 20K in less than 4 days. It was very cool. Even though I am validated and done (well, not done the story), I still have 2 1/2 days left. I know I have to work tonight, which will take some steam out of me, but I am almost thinking I will see if I can get to 60K by midnight on the 30th. My first year I did 67K, last year was barely over 50K. I don't think I could beat 2003, but I can sure as heck try. Now it is just for bragging rights. Hey, Edmund should not be the only one around allowed to brag.

So, another good thing. Most of the writein group wants to continue working on Sundays. Not every Sunday, but maybe 2 a month. Still going to Panera and still writing as much as we can. We like the companionship and the push we get from writing with others. We all have fun and get a lot of work done. And we want to do social things too. So, I am setting up a Yahoo group for us.

Maybe I should go set up that Yahoo group now!

Later days and sorry about the ramble, just needed to vent,

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