Friday, February 10, 2006

Ultimate Ego

I know it's been a bit since I've written anything here, but I have been working on the comic book and my novels. I've decided to do nanowriye. It like nanowrimo, but year long. Each writer picks what their writing goal for the year is and join a group according to that. There are groups from 50K to 3mil. I want to push myself this year, but not put so much pressure that I wasnt to crawl under a rock when I see my progress. I'm in the 250K Club. That's under 1000 words of fiction a day, even less when you realize that at least 50K of that will be in November. I hope to write over 323K this year. That's my personal goal and so far I'm not doing too bad. I'm actually ahead of schedule. Or I was in January, February my writing has been more than sparse. Guess it's time to pull me head out of me bum and get to work. Hopefully if nothing else Sunday at Panera should jump start my writing. Sundays with the gang usually gets the writing juices flowing and the fingers flying over the keyboard.

Now that I got that out of the way here is the reason for the title and what sent me here to blog. Well, I knew that WWE put out a DVD about the Ultimate Warrior that was, let's just say, a little less than glowing about the man. Well, I knew he was a bit sue crazy and had given a nauseatingly inflamatory graduation speech at a college last June, so I knew he was a bit interesting.

Well, he just decided to view the DVD that "Titan" as he calls the McMahons put out the end of last year. As they do with every wrestler and former wrestler they make DVDs about he was asked to help. Heck, even Bret Hart who really has a problem with the McMahons helped in making the DVD about him. Hey, it's the only way to make sure the story is told from both sides. Warrior didn't want anything to do with the process and was quite an asshole about it. So, as I said he sat down and watched the DVD. Of course he is now sueing "Titan" over it.

I know he sued them previously. It was a long battle and then he had to battle his "scumbag" lawyers, but he won. he is also sueing someone he employed to make a glowing DVD about him that made him look wonderful and the McMahons like the biggest turds in the world. Well, he looked at the direction the DVD was going and decided that because it didn't make him look perfect he would fire that guy and sue him. He'd paid the guy $20,000 up front. The guy has put over $50,000 into the DVD production and Warrior is suing him for $180,000. That's what he estimates he would have made from the release of the DVD. What type of crack is he smoking?

After I'd read all that stuff I went to check out his website that people had been talking about. WOW!!! First of all, he has legally changed his name to Warior Warrior. Ego a little? I started reading the front page of the site. He has 300-500 pages of writing up there. Writing about his thoughts and what he believes to be right and wrong with the world.

Here are a few quotes that I found interesting:

" If you want to continue to misbelieve, now that you have the truth before you and are given this chance to correct your errors, you are stupidly choosing to remain ridiculously ignorant."

"Writings about other wrestling talent who have died while bent over their dirty little bags of street drugs, cowered to their filthy refusal to grow up and become real men."

"Writings about why I am doing what I am today because I am a father and my kids are growing up in this world and I want to do what I can, NOW, to prevent an inevitable revolution my kid's kids -- my grandkids -- will one day have to shed their own blood fighting."

"And writings about that there is an irrefutable line between what is right and wrong, good and evil, true and false -- and how the tolerated blurring of those lines has spawned the gravest dangers we face today in our society -- Political Correctness and Moral Relativity."

These quotes are from the first three paragraphs. He just keeps rambling on and on, repeating over and over, not saying a heck of a lot and trying to look more intelligent that anybody who is blessed enough to get to read his glorious writings.

I do plan on reading as much as I can stomach every day and see how for I can get before I go completely insane. I'll keep you up to date on my progress.

So, if you are looking for one deluded man's diatribe on the world go to I'm sure you'll find it quite *cough* enlightening.

Later days,

PS - If you have the intestinal fortitude to read some of his site, I'd love to hear what you think about it.

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