Tuesday, October 25, 2005


After nano is over I really need to get back to work on my '03 nano story. When I get it finished and whipped into shape I will submit it.

Where? Who knows, but that's research I need to do. I got a lot of great tips from Baty's book. *plug plug* I wish I'd bought it when it first came out. If I had then maybe I would probably be finished with Hawthorne and half way through edits. It would also probably help if I had a had a wonderful writers group like I had for over a year. *hint hint*

Maybe once we get into the new house I'll feel more inspired. I'll have my own space to work (both sewing and writing). Well, mostly my own place - I'm going to make sure Jay has space to set up his easle and what he needs. That way he has a place to work other than his bedroom and he can keep everything set up al the time. Also, I can brow beat him into actually getting some work done if I'm right there - And he can do the same for me.

So, even though I have 50K to write in November I need to actually keep the momentum this year and dive head first back into Hawthorne.

'No Plot? No Problem!' is the best writing book I've ever read. It really has a lot of good ideas that work for me. I normally can't read a book like that straight through. Normally I'd read some during the day and then read fiction at night before going to sleep. This past week I've read Baty's book before bed and didn't miss my fiction. I think that's very cool.

This wasn't intended to be a whole blog promoting this book, but it has really changed the way I think about writing and editing. I actually feel like I can finish Hawthorne and get it rewritten so I can try to get it published.


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