Saturday, October 22, 2005

Attack of November!

Well, not quite yet, but soon. I am more ready than I was last year, but I'm still nervous.

The last two years I knew my characters inside and out. I knew the setting and plot through and through. I had that story floating in my head for years.

This year the plot and most of the characters were thought up by someone else. We've had a number of brainstorming sesions so I do feel like I had a hand in the creation, but it's still strange to me. I've done a lot of work the past few days really getting to know the main character, but she didn't originate in my head, so it's taking a bit for her to settle in.

Also, I hope I haven't over mapped the chapters. I have a brief outline for each, but that's more than I usually do. There are about 5 or 6 of the 25 chapters that I have no idea what will happen with them. So either they will be the easiest to write, or the hardest. Which ever, it will be interesting to see.

The other thing that as me on the edge of my seat about November is, well two things actually.

1- Every year I've done nano something has happened in the middle to try to screw it up somehow. The first year I had to take a week of in the middle when my mom came up for the divorce. Last year my craptop died half way through the month. I lost all the work I'd done and had to start over. There was no way to retrieve the info, even though the Ogre spent two weeks trying for me.
2- The move. The last thing I'd every want is to move in the winter, much less during November. Luckily we won't be in the new house until the first of the year so I have all of December to pack and get rid of everything I can. That way my stuff doesn't get packed and moved for me as it has been my past 7 or 8 moves.

Oh, I forgot, I also have my weekly article to write. All those words every week and I can't use them towards my 50K word count. Such a shame.

I should be working on getting ready and taking care of my Maine nanoers. Need to plan as much interactivites as possible so as many people as possible can meet each other. I've found the bigger support chain you have for nano, the easier it is to reach 50K. I know I wouldn't have made it last year if not for my weekly meetups with Lori and Janelle.

Back to work,

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