Sunday, February 06, 2005

I'm Pathetic, Haven't Blogged In Over A Month!

I can't believe I've been soooo lazy with my blog!

Let's see, what's been happeneing?

My roommies are about to kill each other. Ellie can't stand our older roommie and the older roommie confronted her about it. It's been getting uglier and uglier. Right down to the older roommie with-holding Ellie's college mail and confronting her to demand to know why Ellie finds her annoying. It was quite nasty. I'm sure it's going to come to a head soon.

I got a hamster of my very own. Her name is Lizzy Borden and she's quite psycho, obviously considering her name. I've learned a lot about hammies after joining a couple of hammie groups online. In fact I got another cage and will be getting another hammie next week. Right now the hammies are too young to come home from the pet store. I plan on being the first one in there when they become available so I can get the pick of the litter - In other words the perfect hammie for me. I've been doing a lot of reading on how to tame young hammies and make them loveable, hand tamed hammies.

Matt decided he wants a rat. So, now I'm keeping my eyes open for people offering rats on Freecycle. His friend Ed has one and he's decided he can't live without one now. Pretty soon we are going to have a menagerie. At the moment we have 2 cats, 2 hammies (Ellie has Bosco) and a goldfish (also Ellie's).

We didn't get to go to Birka as we couldn't get Da's truck to drive to New Hampshire. Well, that and I blew out my knee a couple days before that. I'm still bummed about missing Birka because we missed seeing a bunch of friends we haven't seen since War.

About my knee... I crawled onto the bed and my knee (the worse one) went crunch. I broke two chunks of bone off my left kneecap almost ten years ago. When my doc operated on it her told me I'd have about 5 years before I'd probably need a knee replacement. So, I'm 5 years past THAT mark, guess I shouldn't be too upset about it going. I have an appointment to see the same doc this coming Thursday. I have to remember to shave off my winter leg growth before I go as I will have to wear shorts while I'm there. No way amy I going to let anyone see how hairy my legs are this time of the year! I hape he has good news for me. If not I hope I can get my knee operated on and be recovered befor War. I don't want to have to go to War on cruches again. I did that summer before last with my broken right leg, it sucked royally!

I am supposed to be writing 50K again this month, but have yet to start. I don't know why this is so much harder to get going than nano is. Though I think part of it is because the rest of my writing group isn't doing it. They are the best at keeping me on track. Though, I have a feeling that if I have to have my knee operated on I'll be getting a lot of writing done. I just don't want that huge scar on my leg! I know it sound vain, but I have great legs and don't need any more scars, especially big ones, messing that up.

I've been eating very poorly lately. Need to start watching my food intake more carefully. In other words - making sure I actually eat. And when I do eat - making sure it's not only junk food. It's just that my knee hurts too much to stand in the kitchen and cook. Depressing.

Guess that's all for now. I'll try to be better about my blog. I'd wanted one for so long, and had been soooo good writing in the beginning. Need to keep it up now.

Later days,

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