Sunday, May 08, 2005

Lying, Cheating, Good For Nothing Fake!

I know it's been a while since I posted, but I have been dealing with a large problem in my house. About 225lbs to be exact.

I know I have probably written about my obnoxious roommate, but now thing have gone too far. Her lying has gotten to the point that I can't handle it any more. She has been stealing mail (the kid's college acceptance package), lying to the landlady that I haven't been paying my rent (which I have, even to the point of giving her part of my rent earlier than usual) and threatening our newest roommie (telling him that if he plugs his guitar into his amp she will tear gas him). She also flooded the kitchen by pulling the drain hose to the washer out of the sink and then blaming the kid. Then yesterday some of my meds were stolen, she was the only one with the means, motive and opportunity. She has also stopped doing any housework, yet promising to help. When asked about it later she gets snotty saying she promised no such thing in front of people who heard her promise in the first place. On top of not doing housework she waited until Matt fixed the nice Kirby Vac, then stole it saying she's the one who got it - bullshit! I claimed it, Matt drove and got it, carried it to the car, to the basement, fixed it, brought it to the second floor - now suddenly it's hers - cunt!

I'm done - finished! I talked to some people who know about all of her lies and have research her past to find out the truth. These are people who put up with her shit for over 10 years. I thought they were terrible for throwing her out - until I learned the truth that is. Now I think they're saints for putting up with her shit for so many years.

So, here's the poop, allthe poop and nothing but the poop! The person I've been talking about goes by the name Miriam. Thatr is her famale name. The thing is she was born a man. Now, I have no problem with Transexuals in any way shape of form. What I have problems with are people who change their names and possible their sex to hide their past. There is no question that she's a man. No one I have ever met has thought she was a woman, other than the truly nieve. She takes hormones, but has not done anything about getting the change done. She got rid of the berries, but the twig is still there. If she's the woman she claims to be, then why not try to actually pass as a woman. (I hope not to offend anybody - as I said I have no problems with transexuals - I just have a problem with Miriam. It's just like in college I called my brother a flaming asshole - it had nothing to do with him being gay {or anyone elses sexual orientation}, it just had to with my great dislike for my brother. Though the teacher who overheard me gave me a shitty grade because he's gay and thought I had a problem with gays. Hey, I wouldn't actually classify myself as strait. I'm not actually bisexual. I guess bi-curious would be the right word. I just want to make sure no one is offended as I only have a problem with this one person.)

She wears this black hat with a Purple Heart pin, a Vietnam pin, an USAF Colonel Insignia pin (though she says she was a Captain - 3 ranks below what her pins says), and a Navy pin. She tells everyone she meets socialy, proffesionally, even at the grocery story that she was a USAF Captain and won her Purple Heart in Vietnam when she was in a fox hole that was hit by a mortar round. She was medivaced out for her leg injury and her best friend went out in a body bag. (I'll tell you her story - then I'll tell you what I've learned to be true) She says she joined the Air Force after her father committed suicide. He did this because her mother and sister moved away and left the two of them. She then found her father hanging in the garage. She had no other place to go so she joined the Air Force.

After bootcamp she was aproached about becoming a spook. So she went by many other names and did a lot of spying in Vietnam. She tells all these wild stories about what she did while being a spy. After the war she got married and had six daughters. One of which died at 14 months of age. She also belonged to the Mormon Church and ran waste management plants for 27 years. After her wife left her she moved back to Maine and went to college for business. She tells most people she has a Doctorate in business. Other she tells she has a Masters and is one class short of her Doctorate. Now she's "disabled" and can't pay back her college loans or work. She also can't climb stairs very well or carry anything as heavy as a gallon of milk. She also can't use any Veteran services because when she got out of the Air Force she made sure all her records disappeared - otherwise she wouldn't have been a very good spy. Also, some place in there - after she became a woman - she was in the Navy and served on a number of different ships - whichever sound most important at the time. I think I've heard almost ten different ones listed. Yet, she still has no way to use any veteran serices.

Now this is what I have been able to figure out from mine and other people's research. I personally don't think anyone who talks that much about being a spy, and what they did and learned as a spy, could have been a spy in any way. They just don't make spies out of people who can't keep their mouths shut. That and almost all of the spies in Vietnam were VIA agents. those that weren't were Marines. There were very few USAF spies in Vietnam.

Her story also keeps changing. She says she got wounded in Vietnam, got her Purple Heart and was released from The Air Force. Then she says she was still a spy when she was married and lived in Florida. She says she had different names and worked gas station and other low level jobs to make herself look legitimate. So, those two stories clash dramatically. Also, her daughters are my age, which means if she was still a spy when she got married then she had to have been in the Air Force then - but then there's no way she she could have worked sewage treatment plants for 27 years - unless she is 115 years old. (Sorry that was a ramble - in other words those stories don't jive.) Basically she said she was in the USAF for about 20 years after going in at 16-17 years old. So she would have been 37 when she got out. Add 27 years running sewage treatment plants, bringing her to 64. Then another 10 plus years in the Navy, so 74. Then we have the 5+ years she worked at the college before she started classes, so 81. Then we have the 10+ years she was in college, so 91. Plus, she's been out of college for a few years, so lets bring that to 95. I'm not even counting the other careers she's claimed to have. So I'm not joking when I said she'd have to be 115 to have done everything she said she did, when she did it.

She said she lived in Utah with her wife and daughters, also Florida. She said they left her when they were in Florida, but then talks about where she lived with her family in Maine before they left her. But then she says she was excommunicated from the Mormon Church when she got divorced while living in Utah when her wife and family left. When so many stories are proven to be bunk, then others come into question.

I have researched the Mormon Church for her, her exwife and her daughters, and her daughter's death. No sign of her ever being involved with them under any name she's given me.

She went to college at the University of Southern Maine. She said she worked for facilities management for more than 5 years. The thing is, one of my exboyfriends has worked for facilities management for over 10 years during the time she supposedly worked there. He's never heard of her - as a male or a female, and it's not a very big department at that college. It was during that time that she went through her change she says. But she has also said she was fired from the sewage plant job because her boobs got bigger than her boss'. But she never filed a descrimination suit. I find that interesting because she's so sue crazy.

Then she started classes at USM. She did get a MBA as far as I know. Her old roommies have never said that wasn't true, and that's something they'd have called her on. But she never even got into the doctorate program there. She says it's because the director of the dept. doesn't like women. That's total BS because there are more women in that dept than men! She tells people she either has her doctorate or she's one class short. I think she didn't pass the test to make it into the program personally.

I was sometime around or before going to college that she was supposed to be in the Navy. She said she was in as a woman, but that doesn't jive for when she changed over - for either story she told.

So she got out of college and suddenly claims she's disabled and unable to work. She had no trouble working while in college, but now her leg that was injured in Vietnam (the injury she got the Purple Heart for) and the pacemaker she got put in while in college is just too dabilitating for her to be able to work. And so she's trying to get out of a half million dollars in college loans. When it looked like she wouldn't be able to get out of paying them because she's disabled, she decided to file for bankruptcy, again. It is at least the third time she's filed. Probably more like 5 or 6 times. It makes me sick to see someone use these systems when they don't need them. She just abusing the systems. I doubt she ever planned to pay back these loans.

Now, for the most damning information. She says that she can't use veteran benefits because her files have been made to disappear. And that if anyone tried to look for her Air Force files they wouldn't know what name to look under. The thing is she would have joined the Air Force under her birth name. We do know that she was actually in the military, at least as a male, but there is no way the navy would take her as a mid-op transexual. It is just something the military won't do - so she's obviously lying there.

Another person who doesn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth has also been researching her stories. When I last spoke to him he told me that he'd spoken to someone else who was able to pull up Miriam's old Air Force file. Well, from what he said she was in Vietnam, and was hit by a mortar round. The thing is she was not supposed to be in Vietnam. In fact it looks as though she jumped a plane she wasn't supposed to be on to get there. While there she got hit by a mortar round. Due to the fact that she was supposed to be state side, she got a dishonorable discharge due to the stunt she pulled going to Vietnam.

I also heard that if someone gets a dishonorable discharge you can't own guns. Well, she has a consealed carry permit. I'd love to see her get nailed for that too.

Well, I guess that's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any ideas on how to help me nail her, please let me know.

Talk at ya later,

It only took me 5 1/2 hours to get my thoughts in order, go to Wal-Mart and write this. Not bad!
Maybe next time I'll write about the cow who is trying to take Matt down. Or at least post a link to her blog so ya'll can have a good laugh.

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