Friday, July 22, 2005

I'm A Bitch! And I Love it!

The obnoxious ex of Matt's that I'd spoken about has a blog. Well, I keep an eye on it to see how she's bashing Matt. Well, she was bitching about not getting a promotion at her seasonal job. From what she said she's been working seasonally at L.L. Beans for 13 years. She couldn't understand why she didn't get the promotion.Someone had mentioned in her comments that she'd had been late a bunch of times due to car troubles and preganancy about ten years ago. She figured that would have nothing to do with it because it was so long ago.

I posted a comment (that had to be approved by her before it went up - gee, big surprise that it wasn't posted). My comment said that I knew for a fact she'd had problems at work much more recently that ten years ago. I also mentioned that she might not have gotten the job due to possibly pissing people off (other than customers), as I had heard it was something she was quite good at. I'm sure she wasn't impressed with my comments and is wondering who posted them. I used a name she has no clue about - a name I've never used before.

It was fun being a total bitch to someone who has gone out of her way to destroy the lives of my boyfriend and many other of our friends. What goes around comes around (I'll prolly now be struck by lightening - karma).


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