Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Now, this is not about what is going on in any foreign parts of the world. What I'm refering to is the Great Northeastern War - and SCA event.

We - family and friends - attend this event every year and spend time with people we don't get to see any other time due to different lifestyles and long distances.

Normally it's great fun and lots of drinking. Though this year it might not be.

It has come to our attention that someone has put a bounty on my boyfriend's head at this even. At first we thought it was going to be on the battlefield - as they dress up in armor and hit each other with sticks. Then it came to our attention that Matt wasn't the only one with a bounty on his head. It turns out that a friend of ours who doesn't battle also has a bounty on his head. This person doesn't fight because he has such a bad back that one wrong shot would put him in a wheelchair for life. Heck, even on the battlefield someone can be beaten to death. There are marshals on the field, but they can't watch everything at once.

So we have to be on attert at all times during this event, but we are not going to let them drive us out! We are going no matter what! The police have already been notified that there could be a big problem there.

After we found out about this we put together a list of prime suspects as to who would be willing to put up $250 for each bounty, and hates these two people so much. After much research we found out that most of our enemies are all in one place. It looks as though they've gotten together and plan on taking us out. They have all the three important things - means (there's a bunch of them to pool their money), motive (they hate us for a variety of reasons - warranted or not), and opportunity (War is a big place with a lot of people - it would be easy to jump someone and beat them badly in the dark of night).

Basically the bounty is a case of mead (honey wine), which is as good as cash at these events. So two cases of mead is about $500. I personally think it's sad that people are willing to pay this much money to have two people beaten up. I don't think they've thought this through clearly. There are so many people at War who will jump in when they see someone being attacked. Especially if that person is a girl. See, I have no problem jumping in if people are being attacked. I might be sickly and will be in the hospital if hit in specific spots due to health problems, but I'm bringing a long pole/fake battle axe that I'm not afraid to use. And if I'm injured there's a lot of money behind me for a legal battle - a heack of a lot more than all our enemies put together. Having multi-millionaire backers has it's benefits!

So, as to how we found out about this. Matt got a note from a friend who knows he's paranoid and wouldn't freak him out if it wasn't warranted. Seems as though this wormy guy we know, and thought was a decent sort was running his mouth that he was planning on collecting the bounty. Now, I think this is funny as hell as there is no way in hell this person could injure a person three times his size - on or off the battlefield. I'm not saying a small guy can't beat a big guy - I'm saying THIS small guy can't beat THIS big guy. A good big guy will beat a good small guy any day. The thing is this small guy isn't good - he has a big ego and is a wanna-be goth pagan. But he is a pussy under all his talk. There are others who might be able to do it, but we have a few aces up our sleeves - I won't write about them now in case someone who knows about all this is reading this. I'll just let them wait to find out the hard way (maniacal laughter).

Now, as to who we think has put out the hit on us (I say us because I'm taking this personally. If there's a hit out on Matt, then it's on me too in my mind). His ex is back in the area and is trying (poorly) to build a commune in our hometown. She has brainwashed all sorts of people into thinking Matt is evil. I think this is hysterical as the people who lived with them both during the time he was supposedly soooooooo horrible to her are still friends with Matt and hate her. That's something that might just make you wonder about the truth. If you would like to read her rantings go to http://www.livejournal.com/users/ms_lorelei/ for the most pathetic stuff look at her earliest postings - they are quite funny. Though even funnier is the July 7th of this year's post. Get over yourself - It's been years since you've last seen him - Move on and get a life!!! Added to her commune are others who dislike Matt, myself and the person who has the other bounty on his head. See, the same place Matt's ex lived with him also (later) housed a family of 6. They needed a place to live and Matt needed the rent money to pay the mortgage. The thing is they never paid a penny in the 6-8 monthes they lived there and trashed the house so bad that we had to take a much lower asking price to get out from under it all. There was over $35,000 lost in the sale due to these people. Of course they left on bad terms and blame us. They owe me $4,000 in child care. Once I realized I wasn't getting paid for my services I said I was done taking care of their 4 kids. Then they'd leave and go to work. The kids would be in the house with me - What was I supposed to do? Let the 1 year old starve and stink? Let the 4 and 5 year olds starve and destroy they house even worse? Hell no, so I got stuck taking care of them for much longer, but I kept track of all the hours and tabulated a bill. The 12 year old I helped because I wanted to, she was a good kid - I liked her a lot. Long after they finally left and we were homeless, then found a place to live I ran into her, the "Skanky Bitch" as I call her, at Wal-Mart. She accused me of stealing her Mainecare card and using it at the hospital the week before. I'd been out of the state a week before. She also accused me of stealing her last couple of pay checks from Wal-Mart (from which she was fired from) and cashing them. We have the same bank. So I went to talk to the bank and they had a good laugh and said they wouldn't let me cash her checks and vise-versa. The only way I could have gotten these thing would have been through the mail. See, she never changed her address when she moved out because there were so many people looking for her for money. But, we'd seen he and given her mail well after she lost her job and I gave her the checks. See, she thinks we still live in the old house, which is the only way I could have gotten her card - What she didn't know was the cards had changed from a monthly paper card to a solid plastic card. If she took the time to check this she'd know what shit she was spewing and get her lies straight. But there's a car at the old house that is exactly like my old car - which is why she thinks we still live there, lol. She needs to do her research. Though, that day at Wal-Mart she followed me when I left. I went to get take-out then drove back to the town I live in. She followed me to the town line. The one thing I don't understand is that she has big problems with the cops in this town, but if she's with the commune, then she's in this town. So, I'm not sure what's going on there. As to this pagan commune there are others who belong who also are not our biggest fans - One woman who used to belong to a coven myself, Matt and Smithy (the other person w/ a bounty on his head) belonged to. Her long time boyfiend dumped her due to her looseness and she got vengefull against everyone in the coven who didn't bend over backwards to help her and kiss her ass.

So our family and closest friends know to be on the lookout for trouble. I don't think there will be any problems, but we do have a number of aces up our sleeves. Also, if they are determined enough and we don't go to War, then they will probably try to hurt us another way that could be much more dangerous and deadly - cutting brakelines, pipebombs, burning down our house, etc. We want to trace it to it's source and put these people in jail. We WILL find out who put this bounty on our heads, and we WILL make them pay - legally.

So, if you are reading this, and are the ones doing this - STOP, and STOP NOW. If you don't stop you will go to jail. Criminal threatening, conspiracy, battery, hitman for hire (no matter how bad the injuries), possible attemped murder, and this list can go on and on. And if you think the doer won't roll on you, you've got to be crazy - no one would risk jail time over a case of mead, no one.

So, that's my week. I'd love to hear any ideas anyone has on what to do about this sittuation.

Love always,

PS - Janelle cut of all her hair so I have to change my "best hair" to Lea. But Janelle got a beautiful baby girl for her troubles - I don't blame her for cutting her hair with an infant in the house.

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