Monday, December 06, 2004

Teen Questions

I'm working on a young adult series. Even though I live with a teenager, I need different points of view from different types of teens and different parts of the country.

I would appreciate as many answers as possible, but if you don't feel comfortable answering something, please don't.

Thanks ahead of time for any time and effort put towards this. I greatly appreciate it.

1 - Do brand names matter?
If so, which ones?
2 - Where are the best places to hang out?
3 - Do you hang out at the Mall much?
4 - What are your favorite stores?
5 - Do you ever go to the Mall with your parents?
6 - How do you feel about school uniforms?
Do you have to wear them?
7 - What does your school have for extracurricular
What extracurricular activities do you participate in?
8 - Is social status big in school?
9 - Does social status matter for dating?
10- What are the various “cliques” called?
11- Are the cheerleaders and jocks at the top of the social food chain?
12- Is there much racism in school?
13- Are there many kids openly bisexual or homosexual?
14- Do may kids openly talk about alternative faiths?
15- What do most kids you know think about sex?
What do you think about sex?
16- What do most kids you know think about teen pregnancy?
What do you think about teen pregnancy?
17- Have many girls in your school gotten pregnant?
How were they treated?
How was the father of the baby treated?
Did either drop out of school?
18- Are you allowed to use your cell phones in school?
If not, then what’s the punishment for using it?
19- Are you allowed to use other electronic devices?
20- When you go out on a date, who pays?
21- What do you and your friends listen to for music?
22- What are the styles and fashions you see at school?
What styles and fashions do you wear?

Thanks again,

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