Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Matt and I went on a date today. We haven't gone out, just us, in a long time. We had to go get a part for the brakes on the bunny (1982 VW rabbit diesel). So we took the roomie's truck, we to get the part, went out to lunch, went to the dollar store and to Goodwill.

Sad but true, it was one of the best dates we've gone on in a long, long time. I think it was because it was just us. Last time we went out it was with another couple and to a place Matt didn't want to go. We enjoyed it, but it wasn't the night of our lives.

So, even though the weather was crappy and the roads were slick, we had a nice time.

He didn't get the bunny fixed, but I don't blame him for not wanting to do it in rain, snow, freezing rain and all that crap.

Well, I need to get some writing done, so I'll be back tomorrow.

Later days,

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