Sunday, December 19, 2004

Kapok & Spike

I started, well almost completed a post about my boys, but I somehow lost it. So, if it shows up, this will be kind of a repeat, but I feel this need to post about my family furballs.

First there's Kapok, the bowling ball with fur. Anyone who's known me for any leangth of time knows 'Pok. If you haven't seen him in a while, he's put on more weight. I didn't think it was possible, but he's even bigger. Right now he's resting his chin on my wrist as I type this.

Kapok is a big loveable furball who loves people more than anything else. Whenever anyone comes into the house he comes running to get some love. He's sweet and loving as long as he's getting what he wants. When he isn't he's the mouthiest, bitchiest animal I've ever met. Then again he's put up with my shit for almost 9 years, would make anyone bitchy and put on weight.

We got Spike The Wonder Manx August a year ago. He was about 9 weeks old. The morning we met him we'd decided to get a kitten to help 'Pok catch the mice in this house. We also wanted a little one to help get some weight off the fat boy - didn't work but he's more active now. Also, Matt missed having a cat of his own since Nukoo the ghost cat found a new place to live during our moves.

Spike spent from May to October very sick. We were worried that we were going to loose him. Then, just as quickly as he got sick, he got better again. During that time we talked about not breeding him, which had been the plan from the start. I know that there are a lot of cats out there, but I was planiing on keeping all of the first litter and maybe even a second litter depending on how many there were in the first one. Usually the first litter is very small for ayoung cat. Now that he's feeling better we've been keeping our eyes open for a girlfriend for him (other then my Moo Cow - explain in a minute), but all the female felines we've come across have been too young. We don't want a girl under a year old ecause Spike will tag her asap and we don't want her too young to handle having a litter.

About the Moo Cow? Well, due to my helth and abdominal surgeries I sit and sleep with a belly pillow. It protects me from pointy kitty feet and helps me through sneezes and coughs. Well, I have to keep a pillow over my Moo Cow at all times because if I don't Spike leaves holes and wet spots. He seems to think my Moo Cow is his girlfriend. The thing is he only likes one of my Moo Cows. I have two of them, and a cat bed made out of the same cow fake fur material, but he only likes one certain pillow. I can put the cat mat over my pillow, same fabric from the same bolt, but he won't hump it, only that one pillow. No matter where it is, in my lap, on the bed, in the chair, on the floor, doesn't matter.

Well, now that you've read too much about my kitten's sex life I'll finish off and go watch Fear Factor. I love that show. It's almost as good as wrestling!

Later days,

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