Saturday, December 11, 2004


I hurt myself this morning. I have CD (crohn's disease). Well, this morning I stretched wrong and pulled all sorts of abdominal stuff. I think I ripped some adhesions too.

On top of that, last night my boyfriend hugged me around the waist too tight and drove a fist into my belly. It was an accident, but it hurt. I make a quite interesting squeek, and he felt so bad about it.

So, I went back to sleep after I stretched this morning. When I woke up it hurt to breath, never mind move. All I've been able to do today is sit here like a lump.

Whenever I take my pills I feel better for a little while, but right now I can barely breath again. I just took my pills a few minutes ago, so I should be better in a half hour. I hope.

So, I'm going to bed early tonight. Easier to sleep like shit through this, than be awake for it.

On a possitive note - Ellie has a job interview at Subway in the morning. Hopefully she gets the job, we need the rent money for heating oil. Otherwise it's going to be a clod winter.

Later days,

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