Saturday, December 04, 2004

Gasius emissions and pathetic parties

Well, today was supposed to be the TGIO party for nanowrimo. Five of us drove down to Portland to meet up with the multitude of Portlandiers. None showed!
The reservation was for 17, there were 8 of us total. The other three came from much closer to up here then Portland. We were quite upset that everybody stood us up.
I understand that it snowed for the first time this year yesterday. But this is Maine people! Snow is a fact of life, get over it and move on. If you can't handle it, then move on south.
Now, the food was quite good, but is making my tummy rumbe in the most disturbing way. Although it can't be too traumatic because Spike is sacked out on my belly purring away.
I'm so glad Spike has gotten better. 6 months of kitten barf is more than enough for me. But I hate the sounds of him and Kapok "playing". It sounds as though they are going to come through the ceiling from the force of the power bombs and 5 star frog slashes when they are on the third floor.
Wow, I just babbled away about absolutely nothing when I should have been working on my books. I'm just so brain fried after nano that all I can do is sit here and watch trash TV.
Well, gotta go to bed.

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