Saturday, December 11, 2004

Psycho Bitch from Hell

I am so sick of the blathering so this twat on livejournal. I'm about ready to take her apart piece by piece. She's a "weekend witch", to put it nicely.

Basically she blames my bf for everything that is wrong in her life. She hasn't seen him in years, but blames her everyday problems on him. And does it everyday in her blog. I lived in the exact same sittuation (the house from hell) and came out of it a stronger person, whereas she blames everything that happened there on him, not the situation, or any of the other people in the house.

I am so sick of her diatribes against the man she calls the Ogre. Yes, he's rough around the edges, but he's not an evil, vengeful person that she says he is. The amount she talks about him and trashes on him, she's obviously the one who's vengeful.

I would really like to tell her where to go, as she only lives a couple miles away, even though she claims he drove her out of her home state. Bullshit! She really burns my butt and makes me think evil, painful thoughts.

He doesn't want me to confront her, either in person or commenting on her blog, but it's so hard to do after everything she writes and says about him.

That's the other thing. I keep hearing about things she has said about him in our small and local Pagan community, just to drive his name into the dirt.

If anyone has any ideas on what to do about the psychotic bitch, please let me know.

Later days,

P.S. The only thing I hate in this world is the word hate, but she comes as close as anyone I've ever had to deal with - other than the Skanky Bitch and that's a whole other story.

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