Monday, December 20, 2004

Holiday Shmack

I know this is the time of year for peace and goodwill towards man, but I'm soooooo sick of the comercialism. There is nothing truthful about Christmas. Jesus wasn't even born in December! The only reason we celebrate Christmas this time of year is because the church wanted to convert more Pagans so they put Christmas at the same time as when we celebrate the solstice.

I know I'm going to piss off a lot of people with this, but I'm sick of people living the lies. Not that many people will even admit the truth as to how the holiday came along. Not only do people live the lie of the holiday, but they've comercialized it so much that it's unrecognizable. It's utterly disgusting.

Now, I'm not talking about all religious holidays, right now I'm only talking about Christmas. Leave it to the Christians to take a simple Pagan seasonal ritual and turn it into the birth of their savior and comercialize it beyond recognition. It's enough to make me sick.

I understand that it's easier to go along with the lies than fight against them, especially in the workplace and schools where it isn't "okay" to be different and believe your own beliefs. I am so disgusted with being treated like a leper because I don't want to celebrate Christmas.

Well, I'm not going to this year! I went to a solstice party the other night and that is enough celebrating for me. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with places like malls and big stores until after x-mas, that way I don't have to deal with people in bad moods doing things to make others happy, and all that terrible music. I'm sorry, but Neil Diamond is Jewish, he shouldn't feel compelled to put out x-mas music just because his agent or record label think he should do it.

Sorry about the vent, but I'm just so disgusted. I'd better stop now before I get myself into a total uproar.

Later days,

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Does anyone know the Mononucleosis song? I'm looking for the words to it for something I'm writing. I know it starts out with

Mononucleosis is the kissing disease,
Don't know how to find it but you get it with ease...

I don't remember anything else about it, but I need the rest of the words if anyone knows them or can find them.

I looked in the same places I found The Aardvark Song, but they are so different I wasn't surprised I didn't find it there.

Thanks ahead of time to anyone who finds it.

Later days,

Kapok & Spike

I started, well almost completed a post about my boys, but I somehow lost it. So, if it shows up, this will be kind of a repeat, but I feel this need to post about my family furballs.

First there's Kapok, the bowling ball with fur. Anyone who's known me for any leangth of time knows 'Pok. If you haven't seen him in a while, he's put on more weight. I didn't think it was possible, but he's even bigger. Right now he's resting his chin on my wrist as I type this.

Kapok is a big loveable furball who loves people more than anything else. Whenever anyone comes into the house he comes running to get some love. He's sweet and loving as long as he's getting what he wants. When he isn't he's the mouthiest, bitchiest animal I've ever met. Then again he's put up with my shit for almost 9 years, would make anyone bitchy and put on weight.

We got Spike The Wonder Manx August a year ago. He was about 9 weeks old. The morning we met him we'd decided to get a kitten to help 'Pok catch the mice in this house. We also wanted a little one to help get some weight off the fat boy - didn't work but he's more active now. Also, Matt missed having a cat of his own since Nukoo the ghost cat found a new place to live during our moves.

Spike spent from May to October very sick. We were worried that we were going to loose him. Then, just as quickly as he got sick, he got better again. During that time we talked about not breeding him, which had been the plan from the start. I know that there are a lot of cats out there, but I was planiing on keeping all of the first litter and maybe even a second litter depending on how many there were in the first one. Usually the first litter is very small for ayoung cat. Now that he's feeling better we've been keeping our eyes open for a girlfriend for him (other then my Moo Cow - explain in a minute), but all the female felines we've come across have been too young. We don't want a girl under a year old ecause Spike will tag her asap and we don't want her too young to handle having a litter.

About the Moo Cow? Well, due to my helth and abdominal surgeries I sit and sleep with a belly pillow. It protects me from pointy kitty feet and helps me through sneezes and coughs. Well, I have to keep a pillow over my Moo Cow at all times because if I don't Spike leaves holes and wet spots. He seems to think my Moo Cow is his girlfriend. The thing is he only likes one of my Moo Cows. I have two of them, and a cat bed made out of the same cow fake fur material, but he only likes one certain pillow. I can put the cat mat over my pillow, same fabric from the same bolt, but he won't hump it, only that one pillow. No matter where it is, in my lap, on the bed, in the chair, on the floor, doesn't matter.

Well, now that you've read too much about my kitten's sex life I'll finish off and go watch Fear Factor. I love that show. It's almost as good as wrestling!

Later days,

Sunday, December 12, 2004

stolen survey

I must admit I stole this survey from Iain Kelly, his blog is called "the road to boston" He seems like a wicked cool guy, guess I should tell him that, huh? I found him and his blog on "the writing writers forum" I belong to a lot of writer's forums, and enjoy almost all of them.

But on to the survey. I saw it and figured it would be a good way to tell any/everyone who I am and how I think. I may skip one here or there, but I'll be as thruthful as possible.

Survey 1

The Basics
1. Full Name: Kendra Ann (Bunyon) Gray
2. Age: 31
3. Birthday: 7-23-73
4. Gender: Female
5: Race: White
6. Height: 5' 9"
7. Weight: 140lbs -ish
8. Hair Color: hot pink
9. Eye Color: blue-green
10. Place of Birth: Quincy, Mass. USA
11. Siblings? Maryjane 39, JB 40
12. If you're an only child, do you want brothers or sisters? N/A
13. Parent's Names? John and Marsha
14. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Paul Bunyon (dad has a sick sense of humor)
15. Do you like your family? sometimes
16. Ever run away from home? nope, only one in my generation of my family not to. They all did it during their sophmore year in high school
17. Ever thought about it? of course
18. Do you feel like your parents spoil you? hell yea
19. Do you not get along with your family? sometimes
20. Do you have big family get togethers ever? Nope

21. Best Friend(s): Ali, Ellie, Janelle, Lori, Matt, Miriam, Cathie, The Bob and Lee Ann, Vicki, Jay Jay, Jimmy, Brian, Smithy, Otter, Callie, Beth, Scott and Lori
22. What do you have in common with them? SCA, writing, Wicca, wrestling, our long histories
23. What do you like to do with them? IM, SCA events, party, drink, talk about writing
24. Most trustworthy? ?
25. Funniest? The Bob
26. Dumbest? ?
27. Smartest? Probably Janelle
28. Best Laugh? Matt or Jimmy
29. Best Eyes? ?
30. Best Hair? Janelle
31. Funniest to be with? The Bob
32. If you woke up one morning and your legs were gone, who would you call first? Matt as he sleeps next to me
33. Who's the person you talk to most on the phone? Mom
34. Who do you see the most? Ellie, Matt, Miriam, we all live together
35. Who have you known the longest? Ali
36. Do you think you're a good friend? Yes
37. The one you will always talk to no matter what? ?
38. Most likely to never fall in love? I thought Jay Jay, but he did, so I don't know
39. The one you think secretly hates you? interesting question, don't know

Love Life
40. Are you in love? Yes
41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
42. If so, are you in love with them? Yes
43. Do you have a crush? no
44. Do they know you like them? n/a
45. How long have you liked them? n/a
46. Ever done anything stupid to impress them? n/a
47. Have you experienced unrequited love? yes, he was gay
48. Do you find it hurtful or romantic? neither once I figured it out
49. Even know what it is? ?
50. Are you a virgin? no
51. Believe that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage? you should get to know who you aregoing to marry. What if you are not compatible sexually?
52. Believe in casual sex? No
53. When do/did you plan to lose your virginity? don't want to talk about Max

The Future
54. Do you plan on having children? my tubes are tied due to health reasons
55. Do you plan to get married? I am in the middle of a divorce, but I hope to get married again someday.
56. How old do you want to be when you get married? when it's right
57. How old do you want to be when you have your first child? n/a
59. What would you name the boy? n/a
60. What would you name the girl? n/a
61. Do you plan on going to college? went to Newbury College for fashion design, but I want to go back
62. If so, where do you want to go? don't know yet
63. What do you plan on majoring in? writing/teaching

64. How do you sleep? In two corner sectionals pushed together up against the bed
65. Do you dream at night? Yes
66. Do you remember your dreams? some
67. What time do you go to bed usually? 1-3 am
68. What time do you wake up normally? 6:30am to drive Ellie to school, back to bed at 8:30am, then up at noon
69. Do you find waking late nice or annoying? wonderful
70. What time do you wake on weekends? 1:30pm
71. Do you sleep with one pillow or two? 2

72. How old are you mentally? either 6, 16, or 66, depends on the day
73. Describe yourself in 5 words? silly, square, punk, goth, authorific
74. What are your worst qualities? neurotic, worry a lot, argue a lot, i won't take crap from anyone
75. What are your best qualities? i stick to things, i help everyone as much as possible, won't take crap from any one
76. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? depends on the day. either five minutes or an hour
77. Do you have a job? no, I'm disabled
78. If yes, where?
79. Do you have a car? Yes, 1982 VW bunny. It's sick right now
80. Are you funny or serious? both
81. Creative or not? quite creative
82. Logical thinker or lateral thinker? both
83. Outgoing or shy? outgoing
84. Lazy or active? very lazy
85. Have you ever been hyperactive? just give me coffee
86. Are you happy with the way you look? no, I have crappy teeth due to all the meds I've taken all my life. Need to get them taken care of
87. What would you change? teeth, and wish my boobs were at the same spot they were ten years ago
88. Do you wear makeup regularly? yes
89. Do you have a large wardrobe? huge
90. If you had to rate your personality from 1 to 10? 8.4
91. If you had to rate you looks from 1 to 10? 8.2
92. Rate your style? 9.6
93. How do you think other people see you? many think I'm a teenage goth/punk

94. Have you ever been drunk? heck yea
95. Taken drugs? weed, can count on one hand
96. Stolen? as a young child
97. Shoplifted? as a young child
98. Tried to commit suicide? nope
99. Thought about it? oh yea
100. Lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend? i'm sure i have
101. Gotten into a fight? lots
102. Would you date a drug addict? maybe, depends on the person
103. Are you discriminatory? try not to be
104. Have you been a hypocrite in the past? everyone has
105. Do you have an open or closed mind to other people's beliefs and feelings? really try to be open

106. Color: pink!!!
107. Food: chinese, sesame bagels w/ strawberry cream cheese
108. Dessert: any and all
109. Number: 23
110. Music: rock, teen/girl angst, metal, country
111. Band: Fozzy, Dixie Chicks, early Alanis
112. Solo Artist: Juli Ford
113. Actress: Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts, Christina Ricci, more that are not coming to mind
114. Actors: Tim Curry, Tom Hanks, That cute guy who played Spiderman
115. TV Show: Wrestling - any and all!
116. Letter: K
117. Word: Wicked
118. Swear Word: twat, cunt, mutherfucker
119. Day of the Week: monday - RAW is on
120. Month: July
121. Season: any time it's warm
122. Fruit: strawberry
123. Vegetables: onion
124. Ice Cream: Godiva - white chocolate raspberry
125. Movie: Sound of Music, Pretty in Pink, Now and Then, Little Shop of Horrors, Pricess Bride, Matilda, Josie and the Pussycats, and many others
126. Cartoon: Weekenders, Hey Arnold, Rocko, Ahhh! Real Monsters, and lots others
127. Car: Honda element, '56 Chevy Nomad
128. Animal: cat
129. Soda: strawberry
130. Scent: vanilla musk
131. Candy Bar: 3 musketeers, mounds
132. Restaurant: Cole Road Cafe, Raps, Outback, Shere Punjab
133. Day or Night: night
134. Hot or Cold: warm

135. What's your favorite sport? cross country skiing
136. What's your favorite sport to watch? wrestling
137. Do you have a favorite team of any sort? red sox, bruins, chargers, A's
138. Do you do lots of sports? heck no
139. If so, what do you do? n/a
140. Are you capable of going to the Olympics for your sport? n/a
141. Ever won anything for sports? heck no

145. Snorted drink out of your nose? actually, no
146. Giggled like an idiot? way too much
147. Embarrassed yourself and pretended like nothing happened? a lot
148. Tripped in front of someone you liked? yup
149. Said something really stupid? many times
150. Snorted while laughing? almost daily
151. Fallen off a bed? of course, I'm quite graceful
152. Sleepwalked? every year as school started
153. Sleeptalked? almost everynight
154. Fallen for your best friend? yea
155. Had thoughts and laughed, though no one understood you? way too much
156. Been caught "doing something"? i'm confused, but probably

157. What do you prefer in a girl/guy? eyes, hair, butt, sense of humor, brains, not in that order
158. What is a major turn on? Sense of humour, confidence, style, being a cool geek, piercings, tatoos
159. What is a major turn off? bad manners
160. Is physical appearance important to you? it's nice
161. Is intelligence important to you? yes, very. although the dumb ones can be fun sometimes

162. Times you had your heart broken? a couple
163. Times you've broken a heart? unfortunately a couple
164. Boys you've kissed? too many
165. Girls you've kissed? 3
166. Tight friends? 5-6
167. Scars on your body? 13, I think
168. Things in your past that you regret? my theory is never regret the things you've done, only the things you've dared not do. So, yea a few things.
169. CD's that you own? not enough

170. Something important on your nightstand: my meds
171. Astrological sign: Leo
172. What do people think about you that isn't true? that I'm confident - I fake it real well
173. What really annoys you? people with closed minds who open their mouths, a lot
174. What movie still gives you the creeps? Cujo
175. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES, Max
176. Who is your homie for life? Ali
177. Your definition of a true friend: that person who's there when you need them most
178. What do you notice first? huh?
179. Do you think you'll make it far in life? hope to
180. What's one thing everyone should always do? be happy

Survey 2

1. the shoes you wore today: none, tomorrow will be my combat boots w/ flames on them
2. Your eyes: blue-green
3. Your fears: not succeeding

What Is..............
1. Your most overused phrase: Hello, I'm talkin' here
2. Your thoughts first waking up? barf
3. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes, hair
4. Your best physical feature: eyes, boobs
5. Your bedtime: 1-3 am
6. Your most missed memory: college life

You Prefer..........
1. Pepsi or Coke: coke
2. McDonalds or Burger King: breakfast - BK, the rest - Ronnie
3. Single or group dates: both
4. Adidas or Nike: nike
5. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
6. Cappuccino or Coffee: cap, coffee and chai

Do You.......
1. Smoke: a pipe
2. Curse: way too much
3. Take a shower everyday: no, my skin doesn't deal well w/ it, so every other day
4. Have any crushes? not now
5. Who are they? n/a
6. Do you think you've been in love? oh yea
7. Want to go to college: yes, I want to go back
8. Like high school: not much
9. Want to get married: again, some day
10. Type w/your fingers on the right keys: depending on how fast I need to type
11. Believe in yourself: some days
12. Get motion sickness: yes, a lot
13. Think you're a health freak: heck no
14. Get along with your parents: dad - sometimes, mom - most of the time
15. Like thunderstorms: NO!!!

In the Past Month Did/Have You.......
1. Gone to the mall: yes
2. Eaten Sushi: No
3. Been on Stage: no
4. Been dumped: no
5. Gone Skating: No
6. Made homemade cookies: yes
7. Dyed your hair: yes
8. Stolen anything: no

Have you Ever....
1. Flown on a plane: yup, hate it
2. Missed school because it was raining: yea
3. Told a guy/girl that you liked them: oh yea
4. Cried during a movie: yup
5. Ever thought an animated character was hot: yea
6. Had an imaginary friend: no
7. Cut your hair: yup, never do that again
8. Had a crush on a teacher: yea
9. Been caught "doing something": huh?
10. Been called a tease: heck yea
11. Gotten beaten up: yea, was attacked by a guy in college. I think I did more damage to him than he did to me though
12. Been in a fight: yea, a lot in school
13. Shoplifted: when I was a young child

The Future....
1. Age you hope to be married: maybe again someday
2. Numbers of Children: nope
3. Describe your dream wedding: a real wedding, don't want to elope again
4. How do you want to die: peacefully
5. What do you want to be when you grow up: a successful author
6. What country would you most like to visit: New Zealand

Opposite Sex...
1. Best eye color: brown
2. Best hair color: brown-black
3. Short or long hair: either
4. Best height: 6'+
5. Best weight: a little pudgy
6. Best first date location: doesn't matter
7. Best first kiss location: in a hot tub

Number of......
1. Number of drugs taken illegally: weed, can count on one hand
2. Number of people I could trust with my life: not sure
3. Number of CDs that I own: not enough
4. Number of piercings: 4
5. Number of tattoos: 2
6. Number of scars on my body: 13, I think
7. Number of things in my past that I regret: a couple

Right Now......
1. Right Now Wearing: desert camos, pink shirt, old bf's high school football sweatshirt
2. Drinking: coffee w/ powdered hot chocolate mix in it
3. Thinking About: my next chapter I need to write
4. Listening to: wresting on tv

In the Last 24 Hours.....
1. Cried: no
2. Worn Jeans: no, but that's unusual
3. Met someone new online: yea
4. Done laundry: nope
5. Drove a car: nope

Do You Believe In......
1. Yourself: yea
2. Your friends: yea
3. Santa Claus: never did
4. Tooth Fairy: yea
5. Destiny/Fate: always
6. Angels: yea
7: Ghosts: heck yea
8. UFO's: yuppers
9. God: god and goddess? yes

Friends and Life..........
1. Do you ever wish you had another name: not really
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: yea
3. Do you like anyone: nope
4. Which one of your friends acts the most like you: The Bob
5. Are you close to any family member: Mom
6. What's the best feeling in the world: getting published for the first time - I imagine
7. Worst Feeling: rejection letters
8. What time is it now: 7:21pm on Sunday night

Wow, that was long, but a good survey.

Later days,

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Psycho Bitch from Hell

I am so sick of the blathering so this twat on livejournal. I'm about ready to take her apart piece by piece. She's a "weekend witch", to put it nicely.

Basically she blames my bf for everything that is wrong in her life. She hasn't seen him in years, but blames her everyday problems on him. And does it everyday in her blog. I lived in the exact same sittuation (the house from hell) and came out of it a stronger person, whereas she blames everything that happened there on him, not the situation, or any of the other people in the house.

I am so sick of her diatribes against the man she calls the Ogre. Yes, he's rough around the edges, but he's not an evil, vengeful person that she says he is. The amount she talks about him and trashes on him, she's obviously the one who's vengeful.

I would really like to tell her where to go, as she only lives a couple miles away, even though she claims he drove her out of her home state. Bullshit! She really burns my butt and makes me think evil, painful thoughts.

He doesn't want me to confront her, either in person or commenting on her blog, but it's so hard to do after everything she writes and says about him.

That's the other thing. I keep hearing about things she has said about him in our small and local Pagan community, just to drive his name into the dirt.

If anyone has any ideas on what to do about the psychotic bitch, please let me know.

Later days,

P.S. The only thing I hate in this world is the word hate, but she comes as close as anyone I've ever had to deal with - other than the Skanky Bitch and that's a whole other story.


I hurt myself this morning. I have CD (crohn's disease). Well, this morning I stretched wrong and pulled all sorts of abdominal stuff. I think I ripped some adhesions too.

On top of that, last night my boyfriend hugged me around the waist too tight and drove a fist into my belly. It was an accident, but it hurt. I make a quite interesting squeek, and he felt so bad about it.

So, I went back to sleep after I stretched this morning. When I woke up it hurt to breath, never mind move. All I've been able to do today is sit here like a lump.

Whenever I take my pills I feel better for a little while, but right now I can barely breath again. I just took my pills a few minutes ago, so I should be better in a half hour. I hope.

So, I'm going to bed early tonight. Easier to sleep like shit through this, than be awake for it.

On a possitive note - Ellie has a job interview at Subway in the morning. Hopefully she gets the job, we need the rent money for heating oil. Otherwise it's going to be a clod winter.

Later days,

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Yay, a washer!

Well, the washer was supposed to be delivered today, but the driver got sick and is in the hospital. So, hopefully the washer will be here on Friday. Finally no more trips to the laundomat! But, because the house can't support a dryer we will have clothes hanging everywhere. Good thing the house is soooooooo dry this time of year.

It is a bummer in a way because Ellie and I seem to have a blast everytime we got to do laundry. That, and I hate having to roll an appliance across the room to use it. Kind of like the portable dish washer when I lived with Joe. It was a total pain in the ass.

Sad, but true - right now I'm watching "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". I remember seeing this in the theater when it first came out. Man, I feel old.

Has anyone seen the show 'Drawn Together' on Comedy Central? If so, what do you think of it?

Well, I'm off to enjoy my fireball the the rest of Bill and Ted.

Later days,

PS - Happy chrismahanakwansika to you!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Matt and I went on a date today. We haven't gone out, just us, in a long time. We had to go get a part for the brakes on the bunny (1982 VW rabbit diesel). So we took the roomie's truck, we to get the part, went out to lunch, went to the dollar store and to Goodwill.

Sad but true, it was one of the best dates we've gone on in a long, long time. I think it was because it was just us. Last time we went out it was with another couple and to a place Matt didn't want to go. We enjoyed it, but it wasn't the night of our lives.

So, even though the weather was crappy and the roads were slick, we had a nice time.

He didn't get the bunny fixed, but I don't blame him for not wanting to do it in rain, snow, freezing rain and all that crap.

Well, I need to get some writing done, so I'll be back tomorrow.

Later days,

Monday, December 06, 2004

Rancid Yak Butter

This was a writing prompt from evolution. I took the idea and wrote a scene for 'Keys To Hell' from it. I still have to figure out where to fit it in, after I clean it up. This is a first draft, so it's very, very rough.

“Lucy, did you know that spreading rancid yak butter on your belly will keep you from getting stretch marks?” Evie looked so proud that she was able to help me with one of my pregnancy problems. Rancid yak butter, was she serious?

“Um, Evie, um, I’m not sure about this idea.” I wasn’t sure if she was serious about what she was saying, or if she was joking with me.

“Yes, yes, it will work. My mother did it through each of her pregnancies. She had seven children and four miscarriages. I know it works.” She ran to the refrigerator and returned with a glass jar in her hand. Inside was this strange glutinous substance that shook and jiggled when she placed it in front of me. It was the color of that cholesterol stuff hairdressers use on overly damaged hair.

I just sat there and looked at the jar for a moment before I swung my eyes back up to look at her. “Where did you get this?” I had to ask her.

“Off the internet. Where else was I going to get rancid yak butter in this country?” Her voice held an undertone of laughter as she spoke. Was this a joke?

“You’re kidding about this, right? That’s not rancid yak butter is it? You, Thora, Jordan and Devin are playing a joke on me right?” There was no way she was serious about this. I reached out and took the jar in my hands. Just picking it up made the contents shake and shimmy. But when I looked up her eyes were deadly serious.

“Of course I’m serious. Where I grew up we had to have this stuff shipped in by boat and then mule. It started out fresh and became rancid on the journey. It cost so much money that she wouldn’t have used it if it didn’t work.” Evie took the jar from me and opened it. I was fine until the smell hit me. I’d been nauseous through most of my pregnancy and figured the smell of rancid yak butter would send me over the edge for the day. But for some reason it smelled good to me. So good I wanted to eat it.

“So what am I supposed to do with it?” I kind of hoped I’d get to eat the stuff. What was wrong with me?

“You rub it one your belly. Why? What do you think you’d have to do with it?” She sounded and looked befuddled.

“Never mind, just give me the stuff,” I mumbled.

Teen Questions

I'm working on a young adult series. Even though I live with a teenager, I need different points of view from different types of teens and different parts of the country.

I would appreciate as many answers as possible, but if you don't feel comfortable answering something, please don't.

Thanks ahead of time for any time and effort put towards this. I greatly appreciate it.

1 - Do brand names matter?
If so, which ones?
2 - Where are the best places to hang out?
3 - Do you hang out at the Mall much?
4 - What are your favorite stores?
5 - Do you ever go to the Mall with your parents?
6 - How do you feel about school uniforms?
Do you have to wear them?
7 - What does your school have for extracurricular
What extracurricular activities do you participate in?
8 - Is social status big in school?
9 - Does social status matter for dating?
10- What are the various “cliques” called?
11- Are the cheerleaders and jocks at the top of the social food chain?
12- Is there much racism in school?
13- Are there many kids openly bisexual or homosexual?
14- Do may kids openly talk about alternative faiths?
15- What do most kids you know think about sex?
What do you think about sex?
16- What do most kids you know think about teen pregnancy?
What do you think about teen pregnancy?
17- Have many girls in your school gotten pregnant?
How were they treated?
How was the father of the baby treated?
Did either drop out of school?
18- Are you allowed to use your cell phones in school?
If not, then what’s the punishment for using it?
19- Are you allowed to use other electronic devices?
20- When you go out on a date, who pays?
21- What do you and your friends listen to for music?
22- What are the styles and fashions you see at school?
What styles and fashions do you wear?

Thanks again,

Evolution writing prompt

“Lucy, did you know that spreading rancid yak butter on your belly will keep you from getting stretch marks?” Evie looked so proud that she was able to help me with one of my pregnancy problems. Rancid yak butter, was she serious?
“Um, Evie, um, I’m not sure about this idea.” I wasn’t sure if she was serious about what she was saying, or if she was joking with me.
“Yes, yes, it will work. My mother did it through each of her pregnancies. She had seven children and four miscarriages. I know it works.” She ran to the refrigerator and returned with a glass jar in her hand. Inside was this strange glutinous substance that shook and jiggled when she placed it in front of me. It was the color of that cholesterol stuff hairdressers use on overly damaged hair.
I just sat there and looked at the jar for a moment before I swung my eyes back up to look at her. “Where did you get this?” I had to ask her.
“Off the internet. Where else was I going to get rancid yak butter in this country?” Her voice held an undertone of laughter as she spoke. Was this a joke?
“You’re kidding about this, right? That’s not rancid yak butter is it? You, Thora, Jordan and Devin are playing a joke on me right?” There was no way she was serious about this. I reached out and took the jar in my hands. Just picking it up made the contents shake and shimmy. But when I looked up her eyes were deadly serious.
“Of course I’m serious. Where I grew up we had to have this stuff shipped in by boat and then mule. It started out good and became rancid on the journey. It cost so much money that she wouldn’t have used it if it didn’t work.” Evie took the jar from me and opened it. I was fine until the smell hit me. I’d been nauseous through most of my pregnancy and figured the smell of rancid yak butter would send me over the edge for the day. But for some reason it smelled good to me. So good I wanted to eat it.
“So what am I supposed to do with it?” I kind of hoped I’d get to eat the stuff. What was wrong with me?
“You rub it one your belly. Why? What do you think you’d have to do with it?” She sounded and looked befuddled.
“Never mind, just give me the stuff,” I mumbled.

Procrastin-ay-ay-shun Is Makin' Me Stray

I so need to be writing my books and not surfing the web, posting on writing boards, posting in my blog.

Then the brakes in my car went! So even if tomorrow isn't a snow day, I still have a bunch of running around town to do. My bf says he'll fix the brakes after we get the parts tomorrow. Only $30, but will he really fix it in the slain w/o a garage?

Vocab section:
slain - N, mixture of snow, sleet and freezing rain. Also known as $h!tty weather.

Ellie said she'd get up and check the news for school cancellations. Gotta love a responsible teenager. She also finished her college essay today, so it's going out in the mail by Thursday. I'm so proud of her. She has come so far since the fourth of July when her father ditched her here because she stood up for me and my bf. It's so neat to see her grow and change. I thought it was only obvious in the little ones, not older kids. I'm not sure how she'd feel about me calling her a kid, but she always will be to me.

Later days,

Sunday, December 05, 2004

My Writing

My writing?

Well, I've done nanowrimo for the past two years, and finished the past two years. I'm actually quite surprised I finished both years.

Last year I was quite prepared, I had my characters outlined, a timeline set up, the story in my head, but I'd never written more than 100 pages of anything before letting it fade into obliteration.

This year I was so not ready for November. I was still adjusting to life with a teenager and had not done anything to get ready for nano. I decided to write the sequal to last years nano, even though the first book isn't finished.

Well, I finished this year too.

Book #1 - Hawthorne
Last year my book was about Lucy and Devin. They are both seniors in a private high school in Maine, and both are HIV positive. The first time they meet is very rocky, but they become fast friends. Then things go crazy. Devin finds out who his benefoactor truly is and Lucy gets sick. What happens to their friendship? Have to wait and see.

Book #2 - Keys To Hell
The sequal deals again with Lucy and Devin, but also with a few "adults" who become close friends of theirs. One is a teacher and the student advisor for the dorm floor they both live on. Then there is Jordan who is a local PI. The third is Evie who Lucy has known all her life, but now sees her in a totally different light. Their adventures may take them half way across the county, or to the depths of hell.

Well, I should be working on my books.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Gasius emissions and pathetic parties

Well, today was supposed to be the TGIO party for nanowrimo. Five of us drove down to Portland to meet up with the multitude of Portlandiers. None showed!
The reservation was for 17, there were 8 of us total. The other three came from much closer to up here then Portland. We were quite upset that everybody stood us up.
I understand that it snowed for the first time this year yesterday. But this is Maine people! Snow is a fact of life, get over it and move on. If you can't handle it, then move on south.
Now, the food was quite good, but is making my tummy rumbe in the most disturbing way. Although it can't be too traumatic because Spike is sacked out on my belly purring away.
I'm so glad Spike has gotten better. 6 months of kitten barf is more than enough for me. But I hate the sounds of him and Kapok "playing". It sounds as though they are going to come through the ceiling from the force of the power bombs and 5 star frog slashes when they are on the third floor.
Wow, I just babbled away about absolutely nothing when I should have been working on my books. I'm just so brain fried after nano that all I can do is sit here and watch trash TV.
Well, gotta go to bed.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Wow, my first post, I'm so excited!

The girls at Wednesday Writers always tell me not to use !!! in my writings, but since this is not going to be submitted to a publisher I can !!! all I want!

Just a little word about myself - if you go to any writing (or wrestling) sites and see the name silvermander, it's most likely me.

I'm so glad nanowrimo is over for this year. Though this year I'm going to be good about writing all year long, not just during November. Last year I had trouble keeping up at the computer after my 50k was over, but this year it won't happen! I hope.

Well, guess that's it for now.

More later,