Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lost Friends...

I have lost touch with a number of people over the years. I have moved, lives have changed, others have moved, addresses and phone numbers have been lost.

While I know I'm horrible about keeping in touch with people, I have gotten much better about it since I have discovered my love of the Internet. I have become better about staying in touch with people, even if it's just short little emails to let people know I'm alive.

The problem is that I have not been able to find certain people I miss. I'm thinking of two couples and two other friends in particular. One couple from high school - Trixie & Bubba - one from college - Jules and Royce - the other friends - Tinley - I met when living in the Keys, - Matt Williams - from college & - Kellie Michelle Valentine - from Cape May.

I have no idea where Trixie, Bubba and Tinley are living these days and have not been able to find them through Fred's Place. I have Julie's address some place, but I keep moving and misplacing it. I have been trying to find them all online, but it isn't easy, especially Matt with such a common name.

If any of these people read this - I know Julie has read my blog recently and says she's in the book, but I'm better online these days - please feel free to hunt me down on MySpace or gmail - I'm silvermander both places.

MySpace has been great for me as I have rekindled friendships with people I haven't seen in years - especially Max and Ali. I know a lot of people discount MySpace as being for teenagers, but it's been wonderful for me. Heck, I even got together with my boyfriend through MySpace, but we've known each other for years before becoming friends on MySpace. It's just a great place to find and stay in touch with friends.

So please, get in touch so we can shoot the shit,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Life in the big city...

If you know Maine at all, you understand how funny that title is. Lewiston is NOT a big city by any stretch of the imagination. I lived in Boston and have been to Mexico city (at the time had 19 million people), so I know about big cities - Maine doesn't have any.

I'm not complaining about Maine not having big cities. I'm happy here. Well, I am now that it's stopped snowing and I can dress much less like an Eskimo. I don't deal well with the cold. I know how to dress in layers and do so in the cold, but I have a severe dislike for it. This is lovely weather right now. I went out in jeans and a corset top with a light jersey zip up over it and was comfortable. I'm loving it.

I'm also loving that my almost stalker has seemed to have gotten the hint and is leaving me alone. I'm just wondering - Does anyone out there think it's at all normal for a person to call someone over and over again. I don't mean a couple times a day. I mean calling someone ten to twenty times over and over again with out a break - One call immediately after the other. Does this sound sane to anyone? I understand calling a child like this who might be home alone who's not answering the phone. But I mean calling someone who's supposed to be a friend. I was getting scared. I didn't want to answer the phone, even if I'd been able to. Most of the time I was out of range to even get the calls on my cell. I'd check when I got in range and there'd be 20+ missed calls and when I'd look at the log they'd be one minute apart. I was scared! Never mind some of the abusive, crying, begging and then abusive again voice mails (all on one voice mail in a two minute interval!). I don't like going out to specifically be a bitch, but I felt I had to after three months of this. When I finally got back online I wrote a not too nice email to this person. I felt like a heel doing it. In fact, I wrote it and sat on it a few days before sending it to make sure I felt like I needed too so it. The phone kept ringing, so I sent it. The phone calls slowed down, but the emails got crazy. I was getting as many phone calls as I had been getting emails, and they were even more crazy than the voice mails. I finally sent another somewhat nasty email and it slowed down. After spelling it out about five more times he got the point. Or so I thought. Then I find an email on a different email address of mine. I went balistic and sent another email saying how annoyed I was and asking how deranged he was. I asked specifically about the phone calls - He said he thought he'd answer and then he lost control when I didn't. I'm totally freaked out by the whole thing - I hope it's over.

What else? Melon has gone back to live with his siblings. He wasn't happy here and the other cats were really beating on him. Since he went back this morning the other cats have totally mellowed out - But I miss him terribly.

Kapok is flopped out on my bed as if nothing is wrong with the world. Then again he's also stoned out on nip and has been most of the day. He loves his nip. I called his name earlier. He was out cold. He opened an eye and saw I had the nip bag in my hand. He immediately bounced up and followed me to his little rug for me to put some down for him - screaming the whole time. He's such a druggie! But at his age, if it makes him happy, I'll give it to him. I couldn't as much when Melon was here because Melon would pee in even more bad place when he was on it. He needs to be fixed.

Guess that's all for now. Nothing much really going - Just thought I'd write a tiny bit to let the world and all of my zero readers know I'm not dead.

Later days,

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Falling behind with life...

I said I'd be good about blogging and had been for a while, then fell off again. Though I have to say this time it was not my fault!!!

I was away for the weekend after my last post (as I've been doing a lot lately, but I'll get back to that) and had my laptop with me. Well, it had been acting up worse than usual, so we went in to see what was going on. After all the times my computers had been opened up I wasn't really worried. Plus, he said if something happened to it while he was working on it he would make it right, even if that meant replacing my laptop.

Well, it caught fire! I'd never actually been there when one of my computers lit up before. It was quite exciting, but unnerving to see one of my most beloved objects on fire before my eyes.

So we spent the past couple week trying to find the part that caught fire, as it wasn't a really big piece and it should have been easy to replace. Well, turns out that it's, like, over $100 to replace this tiny piece of wire. So, he started looking for a new (to me) laptop. It's going to take a little bit before I get a new (to me) laptop as money is a bit of an issue, but it will be soon.

I set up my desk top in my room and when I'm away I use his laptop to do my Monday night work. I haven't had any problems getting my work in, but I've not had much of a chance to get online and really get in touch with people. He has dial-up at his place, so I don't like to tie it up with my languishing. But I'm back at home for a few days and am going to get in touch with everyone who's emailed me and is in need of a reply. I also sent out an email to someone I have not talked to in years - An old friend who's had a lot of trouble in the past and I hope is doing much better - Basically I hope he's not in jail. I just kind of stumbled across his email on my high school's alumnus's site. Now I have to email Ali (top of my list) and a bunch of people who have emailed me recently who I haven't talked to in a while. I'm shocked at the amount of people who are on MySpace. More and more of my old friends are showing up there and getting in touch with me. People I either have not talked to in years or only talk to once or twice a year. It's very cool and nice to see them all coming out of the wood work.

About going away a lot. I've been having a lot of fun, as I've said in previous posts. Even though I've been off having fun and doing things I haven't done in years - being myself, relaxing, having fun, getting into deep meaningful conversations, talking politics, watching stuff on TV I would never have seen myself watching before - But I've also been doing a lot of writing. I came up with an interesting plot idea, some pieces of which taken from my harried past with my ex-husband. So I'm melding ideas and think I have a sale-able idea. I really think if I can stick with this and get it written I might be able to make some money with it. So I have been writing like a mad woman. But since I don't have a laptop to drag around with me everywhere I've been writing by hand. I have my little notebook with me and I've been writing like crazy. Hopefully this week while I'm actually home I can get some of it transcribed into my desk top. If I wasn't so squicky about people reading my work I'd ask someone who can type fast to do it for me, but it's a first draft and I feel strange about people reading my early work before I have a chance to do any editing. After I've done a basic once over I'll let certain others read my work, but not before I've done a quick edit. That means I have to transcribe it all myself.

I guess after I eat my homemade french onion soup and watch American Idol tonight (yes, I'm addicted), I'll start transcribing my writing. After I get a few chapters written I'll send them off to my friend Lori for her to read them over and see if I've got something or if I'm just being a dipshit. She'll be honest with me and has read enough of my work to know if it's working or not.

I'm done here for now as I have lots to do. I'm going to eat and watch Mythbusters, then Idol. Then off to actual work.

Later days,

PS - Melinda Doolittle should win. She's got the best voice, by far. I don't like that so many people are pushing Sanjaya because he's so cute. Blecht! The boy has a sweet voice, but nothing compared to Melinda or LaKisha. Even Blake is better than Sanjaya, but Haley isn't. My vote for who to leave tonight is Haley. I know it won't be Sanjaya due to all the mall-rat-teeny-boppers who are in love with him. I will give him credit for the mohawk last night. I loved my mohawk and loved putting it up in ponytails, but it takes serious balls to do something like that on national TV. I'll stop my rant for now, but if Melinda doesn't win you will be hearing a lot more bitching!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


So, it looks as though I got the meds thing kind of straightened out. I
Need to go to Portland tomorrow and pay way too much money and get my script to hold me over to my appointment where I'll have to pay even more money to hang with TJ and get my monthly script.

While I'm there I need to figure out if TJ screwed up my script or if the pharmacy did. I'll have them look and if TJ wrote it right then I'm getting a copy of it and bringing to the pharmacy to bitch. They don't have to know that there's no bloody way I could have paid for the whole thing that day.

But, I don't know the truth so I don't know who it bitch about yet. Though the sad thing is I'll give TJ a hard time if he wrote it wrong, but I will raise living hell at the pharmacy if they filled it wrong. The though that a pharmacy could fill a prescription of such utter importance so wrong really freaks me out. If they were the one that was wrong then I might be changing my pharmacy, even though this one is within walking distance (in the warm weather). It scares the shit out of me that they might have filled it wrong. Though, I'm willing to admit it could have been TJ. But that is much more easily fixable than the pharmacy doing it wrong. Plus, TJ has lots of patients and it could have been an honest mistake as he was writing it differently from how he normally does. I just need to make sure I take the bottle with me.

I know I said I would not be using real names, only fake initials and funny names for people, but TJ is my doc's actual name. It's not as if I'm advertising his last name and I'm one of his few patients who actually calls him TJ. We had a talk about it last time I saw him. I told him I call him TJ out of familiarity and respect. The same as I have nick-names for other docs I love and respect who have taken care of me for a long time. Unlike the doc up in Danforth who I refer to as his first name due to the fact that I have no respect for him. I don't know him well enough to call him by his first name, I just don't respect him enough to call him Dr. _____

Well, I'm going to bed. I don't even know why I'm writing tonight. I had to work which is 2 1/2 hours of solid writing, so I don't know why I felt I needed to write more... But I did.

Even though Bam is on and I love watching it/him, I'm going to bed so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed to go to Portland tomorrow whenever my roommates are ready to go. Yes, sometimes I hate not having wheels... But I know I'm not up to driving to Portland myself. My eyes have been too funky and my belly hurts, has hurt the past couple days. Crohn's sucks sometimes - Most of the time!

I'll get into talking about CD (Crohn's Disease) at some point soon. I know there are a lot of people out there who don't know about it and a lot who have it and would like to hear about another who has it and how they are dealing with it. I'd love to talk to other Crohnies - Give me a comment, talk to me!

And yes, I'd still like to know about others who feel the same about Prince Alberts. I'd like to know if I'm the only one who feels this way about my sex slave's piercing.

Later days...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Sunday!

I started writing this earlier and my craptop went BLOOOORT! So I'm starting again and hope to get most of what I'd written before down and at least somewhat sounding good.

I realized earlier that I fall into an interesting sub-set of American culture. I NEVER miss the Superbowl, yet rarely know until the day of the game as to who's playing. The only reason I know who's playing before the game eve starts is due to reading a blurb written by a female wrestler where she gave her predictions as to who was going to win. She thought it would be Bears over Colts. We'll have to see.

I also wanted to mention that I'm trying my best to not use any one's real names here in my blog. A number of posts ago I referred to the guy I'm dating as PB. PB is not his initials, it's a joke between us. The initials stand for Penis Boy. I also referred to him as Bork. Those who are of our age group will recognize what Bork means. So, I will be referring to people by who they are or what they mean to me, not by name...

Unless they have more than pissed me off (used me threatened me, treated me like absolute shit!) and I feel their name needs to be used to ward other people off from them. I don't want others to be hurt or taken by people who have done horrible things. Such as I have no trouble saying Miriam's name and telling everyone what it has done to me, my friends and family. Hell, I want the FBI, CIA, military, FAME, Homeland Security, local police and anyone else who will listen, to know what this person has done to screw people over and hurt people purposefully. I do not like this person for what it's done and have no trouble letting people know so this person can not hurt other people and treat other people the way it's treated myself, my friends and my family. Heck, I'm pissed about the thousands of high school seniors who have been screwed by it running up over $480,000 in college loans that it never panned on repaying. Never mind the lies (stories according to it) it tells about being a spook in Vietnam. I don't understand why someone would tell such lies. Lies that are so easy to check the truth on. I could go on and on about this person and would love the correct people to know so it would get what it truly deserves. Karma just does not seem to be coming back to this person, but I hope to be on the sidelines when it does happen.

Okay, I've been bitching enough. I'm going for a smoke before the game!

Later Days!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Checks and Stuff...

On my way home today my roommate called to tell me my SS checks 
had been sent to my old address again!  I have changed my address with them three times as of today.  They are driving me crazy!

So, now not only was my script F'ed up, I'll be out of meds and totally screwed, now there's no money to get it fixed!!!

I get home about twenty minutes and dozens of tears later only to get on the phone and yell at Social Security (actually she was really nice so I felt like I'd be a total bitch if I yelled, so I fell into being little miss nice girl).  Then I left a blubbering voice mail for Marsha (Mom).  Finally I got on IM and got Ogre to send my checks so I could have money to pay my doc bill and get my meds (hopefully).  Mom called around six and said she'd help me out financially.  She's sending me a check for emergencies.  That way I'll Have some extra money in the bank in case the poop hits the whirley bird on the ceiling.

In the end I did get as much straightened out here as I could.  I still have to figure out the med situation and probably drive to Portland to get it fixed, but I'm not going off on another adventure until next weekend.  It will be nice to be home for a full week - Something I have not done since before the end of December holidays.  I'm not saying I hate my adventures - Not at all!  I love going off and having fun.  It's just nice to be home and with my friends (more like family).  I don't like that the house is a bit cool for my body (much warmer up at Bork's house - Except the parts of the house blocked off for the winter {which unfortunately includes the potty!})  And that the sex at home is only for the roommates.  That's something else that makes my adventures fun, but I can wait a week.

Am I the only one who is not thrilled with guys having their winkie's pierced?  I just find it uncomfortable.  Those who have been with me know I'm a little girl *wink, wink*, is that maybe my problem with pierced winkies?  I just find it uncomfortable, personally.  Am I the only one?  I'd like to know what other women think/feel about this subject!

Later days...