Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Sunday!

I started writing this earlier and my craptop went BLOOOORT! So I'm starting again and hope to get most of what I'd written before down and at least somewhat sounding good.

I realized earlier that I fall into an interesting sub-set of American culture. I NEVER miss the Superbowl, yet rarely know until the day of the game as to who's playing. The only reason I know who's playing before the game eve starts is due to reading a blurb written by a female wrestler where she gave her predictions as to who was going to win. She thought it would be Bears over Colts. We'll have to see.

I also wanted to mention that I'm trying my best to not use any one's real names here in my blog. A number of posts ago I referred to the guy I'm dating as PB. PB is not his initials, it's a joke between us. The initials stand for Penis Boy. I also referred to him as Bork. Those who are of our age group will recognize what Bork means. So, I will be referring to people by who they are or what they mean to me, not by name...

Unless they have more than pissed me off (used me threatened me, treated me like absolute shit!) and I feel their name needs to be used to ward other people off from them. I don't want others to be hurt or taken by people who have done horrible things. Such as I have no trouble saying Miriam's name and telling everyone what it has done to me, my friends and family. Hell, I want the FBI, CIA, military, FAME, Homeland Security, local police and anyone else who will listen, to know what this person has done to screw people over and hurt people purposefully. I do not like this person for what it's done and have no trouble letting people know so this person can not hurt other people and treat other people the way it's treated myself, my friends and my family. Heck, I'm pissed about the thousands of high school seniors who have been screwed by it running up over $480,000 in college loans that it never panned on repaying. Never mind the lies (stories according to it) it tells about being a spook in Vietnam. I don't understand why someone would tell such lies. Lies that are so easy to check the truth on. I could go on and on about this person and would love the correct people to know so it would get what it truly deserves. Karma just does not seem to be coming back to this person, but I hope to be on the sidelines when it does happen.

Okay, I've been bitching enough. I'm going for a smoke before the game!

Later Days!

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