Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Falling behind with life...

I said I'd be good about blogging and had been for a while, then fell off again. Though I have to say this time it was not my fault!!!

I was away for the weekend after my last post (as I've been doing a lot lately, but I'll get back to that) and had my laptop with me. Well, it had been acting up worse than usual, so we went in to see what was going on. After all the times my computers had been opened up I wasn't really worried. Plus, he said if something happened to it while he was working on it he would make it right, even if that meant replacing my laptop.

Well, it caught fire! I'd never actually been there when one of my computers lit up before. It was quite exciting, but unnerving to see one of my most beloved objects on fire before my eyes.

So we spent the past couple week trying to find the part that caught fire, as it wasn't a really big piece and it should have been easy to replace. Well, turns out that it's, like, over $100 to replace this tiny piece of wire. So, he started looking for a new (to me) laptop. It's going to take a little bit before I get a new (to me) laptop as money is a bit of an issue, but it will be soon.

I set up my desk top in my room and when I'm away I use his laptop to do my Monday night work. I haven't had any problems getting my work in, but I've not had much of a chance to get online and really get in touch with people. He has dial-up at his place, so I don't like to tie it up with my languishing. But I'm back at home for a few days and am going to get in touch with everyone who's emailed me and is in need of a reply. I also sent out an email to someone I have not talked to in years - An old friend who's had a lot of trouble in the past and I hope is doing much better - Basically I hope he's not in jail. I just kind of stumbled across his email on my high school's alumnus's site. Now I have to email Ali (top of my list) and a bunch of people who have emailed me recently who I haven't talked to in a while. I'm shocked at the amount of people who are on MySpace. More and more of my old friends are showing up there and getting in touch with me. People I either have not talked to in years or only talk to once or twice a year. It's very cool and nice to see them all coming out of the wood work.

About going away a lot. I've been having a lot of fun, as I've said in previous posts. Even though I've been off having fun and doing things I haven't done in years - being myself, relaxing, having fun, getting into deep meaningful conversations, talking politics, watching stuff on TV I would never have seen myself watching before - But I've also been doing a lot of writing. I came up with an interesting plot idea, some pieces of which taken from my harried past with my ex-husband. So I'm melding ideas and think I have a sale-able idea. I really think if I can stick with this and get it written I might be able to make some money with it. So I have been writing like a mad woman. But since I don't have a laptop to drag around with me everywhere I've been writing by hand. I have my little notebook with me and I've been writing like crazy. Hopefully this week while I'm actually home I can get some of it transcribed into my desk top. If I wasn't so squicky about people reading my work I'd ask someone who can type fast to do it for me, but it's a first draft and I feel strange about people reading my early work before I have a chance to do any editing. After I've done a basic once over I'll let certain others read my work, but not before I've done a quick edit. That means I have to transcribe it all myself.

I guess after I eat my homemade french onion soup and watch American Idol tonight (yes, I'm addicted), I'll start transcribing my writing. After I get a few chapters written I'll send them off to my friend Lori for her to read them over and see if I've got something or if I'm just being a dipshit. She'll be honest with me and has read enough of my work to know if it's working or not.

I'm done here for now as I have lots to do. I'm going to eat and watch Mythbusters, then Idol. Then off to actual work.

Later days,

PS - Melinda Doolittle should win. She's got the best voice, by far. I don't like that so many people are pushing Sanjaya because he's so cute. Blecht! The boy has a sweet voice, but nothing compared to Melinda or LaKisha. Even Blake is better than Sanjaya, but Haley isn't. My vote for who to leave tonight is Haley. I know it won't be Sanjaya due to all the mall-rat-teeny-boppers who are in love with him. I will give him credit for the mohawk last night. I loved my mohawk and loved putting it up in ponytails, but it takes serious balls to do something like that on national TV. I'll stop my rant for now, but if Melinda doesn't win you will be hearing a lot more bitching!

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