Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wow, am I pissed!

I previously spoke about my roommate Jay and his exgirlfriend Sue. More has happened since then, including something Jay just told me that pissed me off so much I had to write.

Matt had been giving her the benefit of the doubt about her not spreading shit at work, even after she verbally assaulted me at Hell-Mart.

Well, while talking to another friend who works at Hell-Mart the whole Jay/Sue thing came up. She was talking about Sue spreading lies at work. So I pointedly asked her if she has ever heard Sue saying these thing - the words comeing directly out of Sue's mouth. My friend then said "heck yea!" She said she walked into the breakroom to hear Sue ranting and raving, almost yelling about Jay and all the terrible things he's done to her.

Matt heard our friend say this! It was all the proof he needed to know that Sue had lied to him and broken her promise to him. To him, that's the worst thing in the world to do. Now he knows the truth and I feel bad for her the next time he runs into her. Especially if she tries to approach him and bitch about what Jay has done or said.

Now, for the thing that set me off and got me writing today. We were watching a show and someone was talking about venting. That got Jay going about something Sue had done when they'd gotten back together after there one brief breakup. When they got back together she read his journal. Now, I'm sorry, that is something you just don't so, no matter what! Not only did she read it, but she ripped out a page that was all of Jay's rantings about Sue. It was all things he needed to get of his chest about her. He did it to make himself feel better. He needed to list all the bad things about her and about heir getting back together. So, she read the whole journal, ripped out this one page and brought it over to show her mother!!! Then, when she got home she spent hours grilling him about this and doing everything in her power to make him feel like shit about pouring out his feelings into his own private journal. WHAT A BITCH!!!!!!

She better hope I don't run in to her before I calm down over this. I can't say I'll be very nice to her. There are very few people on my 'list' but she's put herself on it as of late.

Let's see, who's on my list?
- Skanky Bitch - owes me $4,000, she and her husband are the reason Matt lost his house
- Christine/Will - made my life living hell while liing here, verbally attacked me on a daily basis and raped my kitchen when she moved out
- Roy Gray - abusive exhusband, enough said
- Gretchen - lieing cheating hobag who has screwed over so many people including her soon to be exhusband, her only daughter, daughter's best friend and many other mutual friends. She has fucked so many guys behind her husband's back I lost count, but when someone finally told him, she blamed that person for the demise of her marriage, as if she had nothing to do with it. She's the victim here. On top of that she decided to make our (mine and Matt's) lives living hell at the last SCA event)
- Sue - has made the bottom of my list for all of the things she's done to Jay and the rest of us.
- Matt's ex Julie - she doesn't warrant being any higher on my list, but she still annoys the piss out of me and and will get an earful whenever I run into her. The fact that she has been spewing slander about Matt for so many years because of all the terrible things he's done, but yet she's marrying a guy who looks exactly like him.

Okay, I think I'm done spewing venom for now.

Later days,


Anonymous said...

Funny how you can talk about other peoples sexual activities behind their loved ones backs, yet you never mention much about your past or how you and Matt ended up together....funny I say!

Ken said...


How we met at a medieval event and started dating?

There's nothing to tell.

Ken said...

I think it's funny how people who are in glass houses are the first to cast stones.

I don't know how she found my blog, but I know the truth about my life.

I also know a lot more about hers than she knows.

I was VENTING!!! This is a blog, it's what you do!

I'm just glad I don't have to live anywhere near this person any longer and managed to avoid her at GNEW thispast year - especially after all the bullshit she pulled at last year's GNEW.

I've washed my hands of these people for obvious reasons.