Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wow, am I pissed!

I previously spoke about my roommate Jay and his exgirlfriend Sue. More has happened since then, including something Jay just told me that pissed me off so much I had to write.

Matt had been giving her the benefit of the doubt about her not spreading shit at work, even after she verbally assaulted me at Hell-Mart.

Well, while talking to another friend who works at Hell-Mart the whole Jay/Sue thing came up. She was talking about Sue spreading lies at work. So I pointedly asked her if she has ever heard Sue saying these thing - the words comeing directly out of Sue's mouth. My friend then said "heck yea!" She said she walked into the breakroom to hear Sue ranting and raving, almost yelling about Jay and all the terrible things he's done to her.

Matt heard our friend say this! It was all the proof he needed to know that Sue had lied to him and broken her promise to him. To him, that's the worst thing in the world to do. Now he knows the truth and I feel bad for her the next time he runs into her. Especially if she tries to approach him and bitch about what Jay has done or said.

Now, for the thing that set me off and got me writing today. We were watching a show and someone was talking about venting. That got Jay going about something Sue had done when they'd gotten back together after there one brief breakup. When they got back together she read his journal. Now, I'm sorry, that is something you just don't so, no matter what! Not only did she read it, but she ripped out a page that was all of Jay's rantings about Sue. It was all things he needed to get of his chest about her. He did it to make himself feel better. He needed to list all the bad things about her and about heir getting back together. So, she read the whole journal, ripped out this one page and brought it over to show her mother!!! Then, when she got home she spent hours grilling him about this and doing everything in her power to make him feel like shit about pouring out his feelings into his own private journal. WHAT A BITCH!!!!!!

She better hope I don't run in to her before I calm down over this. I can't say I'll be very nice to her. There are very few people on my 'list' but she's put herself on it as of late.

Let's see, who's on my list?
- Skanky Bitch - owes me $4,000, she and her husband are the reason Matt lost his house
- Christine/Will - made my life living hell while liing here, verbally attacked me on a daily basis and raped my kitchen when she moved out
- Roy Gray - abusive exhusband, enough said
- Gretchen - lieing cheating hobag who has screwed over so many people including her soon to be exhusband, her only daughter, daughter's best friend and many other mutual friends. She has fucked so many guys behind her husband's back I lost count, but when someone finally told him, she blamed that person for the demise of her marriage, as if she had nothing to do with it. She's the victim here. On top of that she decided to make our (mine and Matt's) lives living hell at the last SCA event)
- Sue - has made the bottom of my list for all of the things she's done to Jay and the rest of us.
- Matt's ex Julie - she doesn't warrant being any higher on my list, but she still annoys the piss out of me and and will get an earful whenever I run into her. The fact that she has been spewing slander about Matt for so many years because of all the terrible things he's done, but yet she's marrying a guy who looks exactly like him.

Okay, I think I'm done spewing venom for now.

Later days,

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I love having a baby in the house!

It's so nice to have a kid in the house. I'd forgotten how interesting it is having a young-un in the house. They are always learning and exploring.

Yea, they get annoying when they don't listen (and D is good at that). He has quite the case of selective hearing. He does what he wants and responds when he wants - to anyone.

I have been doing a lot of writing work for Jay. He's working on a new comic book idea and needed writers. Matt isn't good at coming up with the original idea, but he's great at pulling it all together. So we have all been brainstorming and I've been working on backstory. I've also been working on the outline for the first story. Once I get the outline done I'm going to put together the whole first story. I'm working art on it and getting a lot done.

I can't wait until I have the story worked out enough for Matt to get his hands on it. After that Jay will start drawing. I can't wait to see it start to come together.

I just wanted to get that out and write a quick post. I want to get better about posting more often. If I do that, then my posts will be shorter and not so rambling. It's when I store it up and don't journal that I get hyped up and have to write for three hours to feel better.

Though I do have to hit on something from my last post. I'm not sure if I wrote about it then, I think I did, but it's still bothering me, so I'm bringing it up again. It is really wigging me out that the man Matt's ex proposed to looks so much like Matt. I know people have "types" when it comes to their sexual preference, but she has such a hard on against Matt - why would she want to marry a guy who looks just like him. Heck, why would she even start dating him if she hates Matt so much and this guy looks so much like him? It just makes me wonder if the reason she's with him is because he looks so much like Matt. If she bitched so much about Matt because she's not over him. It was Matt who dumped her ass and threw her out of the house she wanted so much. He bent over backward to give her everything he could when she left, right down to a car and 6 months to find a place to go, even though she was stealing money from the entire household. She was taking all the money people gave her to pay bills and was using it for herself. Then she blamed eeryone else when the bills weren't paid. If Matt was the horrible person she claims then why is everyone else involved in the house are still close to Matt and think she's a total bitch and flake? It really makes me wonder how unstable she truly is.

Later days,

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Annoyance Level Goes UP!

After I wrote the title to this post I popped in to check another person's blog - Eeee-gods - the world is more up-side-down than I thought, but I'll get back to what I read THERE at the end.

So, Ellie was moving in w/ Jon and going to CMCC. She had big troubles with Financial Aid with Champlain College, so she decided to go to CMCC locally for the first year or two and live with her boyfriend. She's done so much growing up in the past year - I'm so proud of her. She's an amazing young woman. She still has a long way to go and a lot to learn, but she's doing quite well.

But, her moving out means we need a new roomie. Well, we were thinking about cleaning the house and putting an ad in the local paper or online. Well, Matt and I were in bed and the phone rang. The older roommie answered and told me to pick up. It was Jay's girlfriend (ex as of an hour before the call). {Jay is a good friend of ours. He used to live with us in the house Matt's exbitch demanded they buy. I love Jay and would do anything for him.} Well, his ex called saying they'd broken up for good. We spoke to her for a bit to find out what was going on and calm her down. After I spoke to her, Matt spoke to her. Then Matt got up, got dressed, made some phone calls (to try to find Jay), then went out looking for him. He was gone most of the day and when he came back Jay was with him and was here to stay - we had our new/old roommie. I'm so glad, I love living with Jay. We still have to clean the house top to bottom because Jay has a 2 year old son, D., who spends three days a week w/ Jay.

So, now to the annoying part. Jay's ex, I'll call her Sue, has been an absolute bitch since they boke up. They both work at Hell-Mart, 3rd shift stocking shelves. So we bring Jay to work at 9:30pm and pick him up at 8:00am. He spent the first three days moving all his stuff over here. Sue said she wanted to see D. as much as possible, but when Jay called to see if she wanted to see him, she said no. All of a sudden she decided if she couldn't be a primary caretaker, then she didn't want to see the child. D. begged to see her most of the three days he was here. Now, I'm not saying Jay didn't do some stupid shit in the end of their relationship, but he never screwed arround on Sue. I know that for a fact. Jay can't keep his mouth shut around Matt and I about his life - we know what's going on. Besides, if he'd slept w/ the girl he was accused of sleeping with, he'd have been bragging to us (just the way he is with us). He and the girl in question are good friends, nothing more.

So, in moving Jay over here Matt, Jay and Sue made an agreement that neither of them would say anything about the break up at work. If people asked they would just say things didn't work out and that's it. It's none of anyone's fuckin' business, besides, work is not the place to talk about these things. Jay took the night of the break up off, Sue didn't. When Jay went back to work everyone (including the female friend - I'll call her Tana, who was in tears) were talking about the reason Jay and Sue broke up is because Jay was sleeping with Tana. When asked about it by Matt Sue said she didn't say anything at work. I didn't believe her, Matt gave her the benefit of the doubt. Matt wanted to talk to other employees to find out the truth. Jay, when he did go to work didn't say anything to anyone, and when she approached him he asked if it was about work. If it wasn't he said to talk to him outside of work about it. This was all at Matt's urging, and I think a very good idea.

Why I'm totally annoyed is because I just drove Jay to work and was verbally attacked in the store by Sue. I saw her a couple of times and hid from her because I didn't want to get into it with her. Well, she finally cornered me in Crafts. She verbally berated me for not agreeing with her about how she felt about the "way Jay was treating her at work", and "the relationship between Jay and Tana" and "how she hopes Jay gets a transfer to another Hell-Mart because she can't work with him and Tana" (though she knows Jay isn't leaving because he can't get the schedule he needs at the other store). Besides, then she'll be working in the store with just Tana and she'll make her life living hell 'till she quits. I told her there was no relationship, other than a friendship and Jay was treating her the way he should be at work - If she wanted to talk to people about what's going on, then do it outside of work. Her voice escalated more and more and was arguing with me, at work. I tried to keep it quiet and told her how I felt and this wasn't the place to do this.

I then went and talked to a manager. Well, the manager was in the middle of dealing with an ambulance and a person having an anxiety attack. So I came home and spoke to Matt about Sue's verbal attack and how I'd tried to avoid her a bunch of times before she cornered me. Then how I spoke to the manager. Matt got dressed, spoke to the police about the situation, then went to Hell-Mart and spoke to the same manager I did, plus others higher up. Turns out the higher ups were planning on having a discussion with Sue anyway because there have been so many employee complaints about her running her mouth. But now that a customer has complained it looks really bad. I don't want her to loose her job. I just want her to grow up and shut her mouth. Because of all this she's making our lives living hell. Both through Jay and because she's broken a promise to Matt and lied to both Matt and I. I don't put up with shit like this from anyone, much less from a young girl who likes to play games.

Now that I got that off my chest, there are two other things I need to vent about.

1 - I checked Matt's ex's blog, as we both do to keep an eye on things. She's bashed Matt for so many years in such a nasty way that we keep tabs on what she's up to. Considering she has moved into the town we live in (unbeknownst to her) and is forming a Pagan commune (similar to the one Matt and I are forming) in a quite horrible way. She's really porking up the whole commune thing in a big way. Anyway, she posted that she proposed to her BF (on the side of the highway). Later in the blog was a comment about what the guy's OTHER girlfriend said about him saying yes to the proposal. If she's still refered to as the other girlfriend, I guess that means she's still in the picture. I knew she was into polygamy (heck, from what I've heard everyone at the 'commune' is fucking everyone else) but something about how she said it makes my skin crawl. Also, I saw a pic of this guy she proposed to - he looks disturbingly like Matt, the man she's been bitching about for so many years. Even though I don't know her personally, she creeps me out.

2 - So, after Matt got back from dealing with the Sue thing at Hell-Mart he went into the bedroom, then quickly called me in. We moved the young female rats into a new cage and the young boys into the large tank the girls were in. Well, the girls are able to squeeze out through the bars, and had been dancing on the roof of their cage. Well, their mom and aunts did the same thing before we wrapped their cage, we weren't worried about them because they were not socialize well as babies. Well, the young girls are well socialized and climb out whenever I'm in the room. Well, the reason Matt yelled for me is because he found Junior (one of the young girls) dancing on the roof of the boy's tank. Time to change the living arrangements. The 4 boys were put on the bed for a few minutes as we moved the 8 girls back into the big tank. The boys then went into the cage. The boys are twice as big as the girls, so they can't fit through the bars.

What I don't understand is how Junior got over there. We did find Crackhead on the floor earlier - I think she fell off the cage (which is on top of a dresser). But how did Junior get across the room and up on top of the boy's tank, on top of another dresser. Very confusing, but I guess nothing is beyond a horny rat!

Now that I got all that out, I'm going to bed.

Night all,